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Slender hands caressed the bruised cheek of a boy with golden locks who lie asleep in bed. Ysabella gently moved her hand to his hair and then lovingly twirl strands of gold on her fingers. She watched the young Claude sleep serenely as she vanished into thin air- leaving the present time she was in.

Ysabella then transported to another timeline. This time, the young boy she saw earlier was no longer- but is now replaced with a charming teenager who's most striking feature is his dull eyes. Ysabella gazed at the teenager Claude, her heart shattering as she watched him be discriminated by his peers. Unable to handle seeing him be treated like a mockery, Ysabella flicked her wrist and sent a strong gush of wind hurdling towards the group of teenagers- knocking them over with one strike. She smiled as she saw Claude's bewilderment and the children's trembling figures, and laughed at one of them seeing as it peed in its pants.

"Serves them right," she said before vanishing into thin air, once again.

Ysabella continued her routine, going to different timelines, helping Claude, and just simply watching him grow up. She watched him smile, laugh, cry, change, hate, kill, and fall in love. She watched Diana and Claude meet for the first time, and watched the two fall in love together. She watched Claude fall in despair at Diana's death, and watched him succumb himself to black magic.

She helplessly watch his life past by, unable to intervene as God forbid her to. The God who force her to stay away from Claude for she was not human. For she was an immortal being that is told through tales and stories. A witch.

Ysabella was a witch.

Even before humans existed, Ysabella has walked the lands that humans now lived in. She existed even before time and light was known, and existed before God came to be. Or so she thought, Ysabella knows nothing of This God and prefers it to be that way. She knows nothing of The God that humans worship. Humans who worship the existence who decide their destinies and fates.

At the thought of fate, Ysabella bitterly swallowed her tongue. Who is This God who gets to decide if a human should suffer or not? How powerful is This God to control a human's existence? Why is This God torturing the love of her life?

Only That God know the answer.

Ysabella was also capable of creating life, and torturing humans. She exist beyond time and space, she existed even before the world was created. The only thing she's incapable of is making Claude, hers.

Ysabella doesn't mind Claude falling in love and having a child with a woman other than her. She is fine with the idea of Claude never loving her and never having the chance to embrace her beloved, but she will never be- and forever will never be okay with the fact, of Claude's ending.

Claude's story always end in the same way. He falls in love, his lover dies, they have a child, he forgets the child, the child longs for her father, the father loves another daughter, the daughter is his niece, the niece was poisoned, the poisoning was "caused" by the real daughter, the real daughter gets murdered by her father, the father then dies because he is fucking asshole.

Of course, that's only in Ysabella's perspective. Ysabella despite loving Claude with every fiber of her being, admits that he was a jerk. A jerk to his daughter. A fucking jerk. A jerk who deserves its ending.

Yet, even with those beliefs. It was not completely Claude's fault. God is half to blame. God gets to decide a person's life, and is the one who writes a person's story from start to finish. God gets to decide how everything will turn out. God is the one who controls human's fate like a puppeteer controls its puppet. Again, this is only in Ysabella's perspective.

Ysabella who is stuck in her own thoughts, let her feet drag her anywhere she could travel to, and to her surprise- she arrive at an abandoned Cathedral.

How ironic.

She glared at the Cathedral then proceeded to walk away only to hear a voice calling out to her. She rolled her eyes.

She turned, and walked towards the Cathedral and went inside. There, she saw an idiot standing at the altar. She turned again and walked away, only for her to face an invisible barrier. She sighed, and turned once again to face a handsome man with long silver locks paired with jeweled cerulean eyes. The man gazed at her, irked at the indifference her figure portrays.



The man's lips twitched at Ysabella's response.

"You do know I'm The God that you were badmouthing since earlier, right?"

Ysabella blankly replied, "Wow"

She clapped her hands, and then widened her eyes while locking her gaze with The so-called God. For some unknown reason, The God is annoyed and pointed its finger at her while opening its mouth to nag.

"Listen here, I came here personally to see you again and here you are, acting like this. You do know it's not my fault that Claude ends up that way right. It's their choice, I exist to create them, their fate is not something I hold- I'm only able to control so much, and that's why I'm here, I'm going to help you since you keep on complaining that I'm a jerk when I'm not. Also, how dare you blame everything that's happening to the humans on me? If I had a choice, I wouldn't let people suffer, and everything will be peaceful but nooooo- I have no choice, my job is literally just creating humans and preserving life. If I had control over human life, then I wouldn't be here right now. I would be overworked and suffering. You keep on blaming things on me, when it's not even my fault that you're not allowed to intervene with a human's life."

"What do you mean help me?"

"Did you even listened to what I said?"

Ysabella shrugged and smiled at the man, "I need to know how you can help me."

The man gaze at Ysabella, an uncomfortable sensation forming in the pits of its stomach. Unable to form words, the God swallowed the lump on its throat and then proceed to lock eyes with Ysabella.

"You need to be reborn."

Ysabella's eyes widened at the mention of the word, "Reborn?"

"Yes, reborn."

"Do you mean, I need to die?"


Ysabella dropped her head down to the ground and whispered, "But I can't die"

"Unless you're killed by a God"

That caught Ysabella's attention. She whipped her head to face the man's face. Her features softening as she noticed its solemn expression.

The corners of Ysabella's mouth titled upwards, "Please kill me,"

"Please kill me so I can save Claude"

With her words, the man sighed and nodded its head. It then summoned a sword, and pointed it at Ysabella's neck.

"I'll make it quick." the man said.

Ysabella closed her eyes, and exhaled, relaxing every nerves in her body. Letting the burden on her chest go as she finally found a way to save her beloved.

With her last breath, she said

"Goodbye, Arius."

And with one swift move of the blade, Ysabella's head was torn away from her body and softly tumbled down to the floor.

Her beautiful face laid peacefully on the ground, her golden eyes hidden with her lids, her soft silky black hair fluttered. Ysabella was beautiful even after death.

Arius stared at Ysabella's head, and then turned its eyes to her body. Taking a step towards her head, Arius gently took Ysabella's head into his arms and for a reason he is unable to explain,

He placed his lips unto hers.

"Only in death, can I hold you like this."


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