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As he laid me on the bed, I could feel the softness of the furs beneath me. His hands were gentle as they caressed me. He leaned his head close to my body. I could feel the warmth of his skin against mine.

My heart fluttered like the wings of a bird and my body glowed as if filled with fireflies. All traces of that invisible puppet master had disappeared. Now, the only hands that moved me were his. They reached up to brush a strand of hair from my face. His smile was kind again.

"I've promised to fulfill your desires tonight, my sweet little pet," he murmured. "However, I can only do so if I know what they are. Tell me how I may satisfy you, tell me these thoughts that have plagued your mind since our last meeting, tell me the things you've longed for me to do since that time."

The ways I longed for him to touch me, the thoughts that had plagued my mind, my desires. I had finally accepted that they were my own. However, that did not stop the shame that came with that knowledge. My cheeks burned. I closed my eyes as if to escape the humiliation. To know I desired them was shameful enough, but to speak them aloud?

He seemed to sense my unwillingness. I shivered slightly as his lips trailed kisses along my shoulder.

"Ah, how the humans have ruined you," he murmured softly. "They've told you for far too long that your desire is shame and your pleasure is sin. You feel it so strongly now that it holds you captive. A prisoner, longing to taste the sweetness she's been told is her crime.

I'm here to set you free, sweet Linota. To show you a world beyond the tiny cage they long ago trapped you in. If your mouth is unable to speak, use your body to show me the way. Take control of me this time. Show me how I can free you."

Foster. How many times had I dreamed of our bodies meeting once more? Now, here he was, offering me anything my heart desired, and my heart was silent.

He was right. I knew nothing of the desires of flesh. At least, not before knowing him. As with our first meeting, he was the one to lead me through this forbidden forest called "pleasure." When I wandered aimlessly in the dark, he took my hand and showed me the way.

Now, he expected me to lead, and I feared I would again wander aimlessly. Where was this pleasure I sought? Which hidden path might lead me again to the bliss he had once shown me?

I felt his fingertips stroke my neck gently. They slowly trailed down my chest and to my stomach. As he grew closer and closer to my womanhood, I felt the embers of longing begin to glow from deep inside.

How I craved his touch. How I longed to have his hardness press into me once more. To feel his lips against my breasts, my thighs, my...

Warmth spread through me and filled my body. Ah, to again feel the pleasure I had that night. If I truly had any desire, it would be to have his lips press against my sweet spot once more. To have him panting and licking between my legs as if he were a starved animal. To once again know breathless ecstasy.

But how? Such sordid words could never leave my lips. I knew this well. To show with my body...

His lips pressed against my chest. I gasped at the unexpected gesture. I could feel the longing in his kiss. The way it begged me to abandon my timid nature and allow him ravage my waiting body.

My hands moved on their own, tangling desperately in his hair, pressing him to me. Lower, lower. I longed to feel his lips move lower. My hands tugged at his hair gently as if to show him the way.

His head moved without resistance, moving down my chest and towards my stomach. His lips tickled slightly as they trailed down my skin. More. My body craved more. My hands tugged again at his hair. This time, he lifted his head to meet my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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