Release Me

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I felt unable to answer, but he didn't seem to mind. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. My heart beat wildly at the flood of memories his kiss brought. My knees felt weak.

His lips moved to my neck. The places he kissed seemed to burn as he trailed his way down to my chest. His hand began to lift my skirt. I felt myself losing all my senses, my mind became a hazy mess. I heard him chuckle softly as he seemed to notice this himself.

"Tell me, my little pet," he said, brushing my hair from my shoulder, "whom do you belong to?"

That question brought me back to my senses. Belong? I was no object. I was no man's possession. I wasn't his toy. I shoved him from me forcefully. He seemed shocked at this.

"I belong to no one but myself," I said sternly. "I did not come here to be your plaything."

He smirked at this. "Then tell me, Sweet Linota, why did you come here again?"

"I only came to ask that you release me from your control," I said, crossing my arms. "I've discovered your little tricks and so it does you no good to continue them. Release me at once."

"Pray, might I ask exactly what this 'control' I have over you entails?" He asked, amused.

"Enough of your tricks!" I huffed. "You know well enough what I mean. All the unnatural thoughts you put into my mind and the abuse you force my body to suffer. I demand that you stop them at once!"

"Hmm," he mused. "And, by chance, what if I'm not controlling you? As I've explained, I can't force you to do anything. I can only-"

"Lies!" I shouted. "Nothing but lies from a trickster's tongue! What reason have I to believe you? You fae are known for your trickery, why should this time be any different?"

"And if I 'release you,' as you say, and these desires continue, then what would you say, sweet Linota?"

"I'd say you've tricked me again."

"Then, would you come here, yet again, to beg for your release?" He asked, amused.

"I didn't come here to be mocked by you!" I cried indignantly.

"No, you came here to be released from some spell that doesn't exist. You travelled deep into the forbidden forest, a place you narrowly escaped once already, to find a horrible trickster fae that has no control over you," he said teasingly. "You're unwilling to admit it, sweet Linota, but the desires you feel are your own."

"That's not true! You're playing a trick, you're-"

"I am a simple man who came home from cutting wood to find a lustful maiden spread across his bed. A man who gave her nothing but a small kiss, only to have her melt into my arms, then push me away. Who does it seem the trickster is now?"

My face burned deep red at his accusations, but I couldn't argue them. He had, indeed, come home to find me in his bed. I grew weak against him the very moment his lips touched mine. But these desires be my own? Could they possibly? And what did that mean for my future?

I felt his arms wrap around my waist from behind. He held me gently, but I could still feel the strength in them. His lips pressed again to my neck. The warmth and weakness seemed to spread through me at once.

No, I couldn't again. I couldn't let this happen again. I had to resist. I had to leave quickly. But I couldn't even find the will to pull myself from his arms, let alone leave.

"If you would only admit the truth to yourself, then we could begin to move forward," he murmured against my neck. "The pleasure you felt in our last encounter will only grow the more our bodies meet. If you would only surrender to your desires and be mine, your every wish could be fulfilled."

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