The Maiden's Journey

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To convince my father I should stay overnight in the neighboring village was no trouble. To convince him I was perfectly capable of going alone was another. Since my return from the forest he was overly cautious about letting me out of his sight. He protested again as I prepared that morning.

"What harm could it do for me to come with you?" He complained.

"Not only will you greatly slow me, but your health will suffer as well," I said stiffly.

He spat on the ground and grumbled under his breath angrily, but he knew he couldn't argue. Guilt filled me knowing I was causing him so much worry. That guilt only doubled knowing I was lying to him as well. I didn't have a choice though.

To know your daughter is the plaything of a fae? He would never live down the shame of it. I had to do this. I had to convince this fae to release me from his control. If I didn't, I might never know peace again.

I grabbed my rucksack. My father followed at my heels as best he could. Part of me worried he would, indeed, follow me all the way to the neighboring village.

"Don't go near the forest again," he warned. "Avoid it altogether if possible. Know any sounds from it are only a trick meant to capture you once more."

"Papa, I know," I assured him. "I'll be back in the afternoon tomorrow. I've already prepared a stew for you, you only need heat it over the fire. There should be plenty left for breakfast. Don't forget to douse the fire when you've finished or the house may burn."

"Bah!" He grumbled, waving me away with his stick. "I changed my mind. Go. Leave and give an old man some peace you harpy."

"I love you too, Papa," I said, smiling.

"Be safe, Duckling," he mumbled softly before returning to the house.

I took a deep breath and started on my journey. As I approached the forest I considered stopping there first, but I thought better of it. After all, we would still need food this week and there was no way of knowing how long my talk with the fae might take.

Once I finished at the market I had the rest of the day free to speak with him. The next morning too. There would be no problems if I should need to stay over again at his cottage.

I quickly shook this thought from my mind. There was no need to stay over again. I was going only to have him release his control over me. Nothing more. The warmth between my legs seemed to protest this idea, but I was determined. I would not be used twice.

I assured myself of this. At least, I tried to. I had more trouble believing it when I finally reached the market. Farm boys covered every inch of it. Strong men, tanned dark by years of labor in the hot sun. Their muscles stretched against their clothes as they heaved bags of feed or vegetables to and fro. Sweat glistened on their brows as they prepared their carts to journey home. A few of them cast glances my way as I passed.

The hungry look in their eyes only seemed to aggravate the heat between my legs. Would I suffer this way with all men now? I feared so as I noticed my eyes traveling down the bodies of several men. I wondered how it would feel to have their hands touch me, to feel their tongues against my skin, to have them fill the emptiness inside of me. I wondered if they could possibly stand up to the mark of a fae.

My face reddened at this thought. Stand up to a fae. As if he were something to be measured against! He was a trickster. A creature put in this world to cause mischief, and he was causing it with me now. The sooner I spoke with him and begged for my release, the better.

I gathered together my produce and headed for the road again. Normally, I would stop to rest a bit, perhaps treat myself to a piece of fruit or bite of bread, if money allowed it. I didn't have the time today. I knew nothing of this fae really. His comings and goings, his routes, I wasn't even confident I would be able to find his home. I might spend most of the day wandering around the forest again.

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