Chapter 33: There was only one.

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Third Person's P.O.V:

The cars were speeding on each other, Hope's best friend handling the wheels while she shot at the tires unsuccessfully.

Romeo glanced at her as he drove knowing she wasn't bad at this at all, it felt as though she was trying to stall it on purpose.

He didn't point it out, in fact he didn't speak it all.

He himself was mad at the younger D'Angelo, but he knew what Hope was feeling, He had seen Hope go through so much, and even with the unconditional love of her family, she never had a mother and Skylar could have helped with that.

So he didn't say anything just drove, he drove just as Skylar did but calmer.

Where he knew what he wanted to do, Skylar's mind was going a million miles per second.

She could drive off the cliff and fling Lucien and herself into the deeper parts of the river.


"No no no shut up Lucien, let me think" She glanced at her brother "We'll be alright. Axel can't have just gone for nothing, okay?"

"Okay" He nodded thinking too and Skylar knew he was.

Even though she knew she'd have already thought of what he was thinking it brought her comfort he was thinking with her.

She could pull up and have a shoot out.

She always thought of what ending this misery called life would be like, but right now she felt sick to her stomach, scared, fear bubbling terrifyingly up her throat and adrenaline-pumping painfully into her ears.

She could sweet talk them, distract them.

Everyone is a monster, aren't they? Axel was a monster to so many, she was a fucking monster to so many, Lucien was a monster for indirectly making one, for all the times he won cases for the rich without asking if it were right or wrong, some were just better than the others at hiding it, weren't they?

She could straight up crash her own car into theirs.

Isn't everything allowed? Isn't everything a fucking lie? God? who knows? Hell and heaven? Souls lurking the earth? who's seen them? No one. But thousands believe anyways, and those who, who don't, what do they believe? in nothing? what if it's not nothing? what if it actually is something, neither side is more true than the other, but somehow everything is allowed, not by law, but by your own capabilities, take a knife and kill someone, who's going to stop you but yourself to do the action, no heed to consequences? 

She could just race and lose them off.

You can't run away from your problems they say? but oh you can, you can, run and run until you die, just pack up, leave, and go walk that beach, sneak in and vandalise that property, steal that car, crash it somewhere, jump into rivers at night, climb and read in trees, wake up to those birds chirping, to the voices of the hungover people outside a club, ignore them, until Death comes, just pack up and run.

She could kill herself and Lucien, pull a Hitler.

Hitler was evil, pure evil, or was he just broken? Like her? grieving dead loved ones? Abused? Hurt? Was he born a perfect villain or was he made into one like her? She was after all one of the perfect villains in more than 200 lives but for Hope, she couldn't take it, the title, it was all for Maddie's brother to take.

She could make up an absolute sob story worthy of a sad ballad to make them pity her. Beg. No.

She often wished someone would play her memories like they played music which reminded people of a certain time, a certain person, she wanted memories played to her, she wasn't really sure how it would go, happy? sad? sweet? but complete, she would know it whole.
She'd remember, and they'd just float in front of her. She wasn't sure how she'd react, maybe that's why she wanted it to happen even more.

She could end it for herself, what satisfaction would they get from doing anything to Lucien if she's dead, right?

Loving her must be a curse, her mom must have loved her, she died. Her dad loved her, he died. Axel loved her, and he died. And whether Lucien loved her or not there was a 98% chance he was going to die because of her not to mention the trouble and hard work that already came with loving her broken self. She knew loving her was hard, so fucking hard, and she felt so fucking sorry deep down for anyone who fucking did, even if it wasn't fucking hard at all.

She could give herself up and let Lucien drive away.

Everyone has a chapter they don't read out loud, what if instead of just a goddamn chapter or two, it's the fucking book. Nothing to please anyone with, other than those small moments which instead of making her smile like others did at memories her heart felt prickles, of hurt, of sadness, of anger, because she ruined it, like she ruined everything else, so she really had nothing to read out loud other than the title itself: Like Brother Like Sister.

The siblings who successfully ruined each other's lives, for selfish reasons.

Because at the end that's all that started it, and possibly ended it all.

This title was more than wearing the same suits, more than winning every argument at court, this was more than the same coffee.

More than the same blood, same parents, same hair, same eyes.

More than her younger self wanting to be just like him.

It was deeper.

It was who they were and where they stood, in each others lives, in the lives of others, who they were not only as a team, but deep down, the actual them.

People who made and probably will make mistakes, people who hurt each other convincing they didn't care, that they were selfish, people who hide what they actually feel with humor, people who are broken, in their own ways yet in the same way.

And so in Skylar's eyes it was perfect.

As perfect as it would get.

She could get them out of this alive.

She looked at Lucien, dodging another bullet.

He looked back.

She stared into eyes exactly the same as hers.

Stormy grey.

"Like Brother," She said quietly pressing her foot on the accelerator with all the strength she had in her and suddenly took a left turn flinging the car off, and over the railing like structure to prevent such accidents, "Like Sister."

And suddenly there weren't two cars on the bridge like highway.

There was only one.

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