Scene 1 I will never reach myself again

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Omniscient narrator

Yu has fallen silent. The experiences of the last two days buzz around in his head and cannot be grasped.Only the here and now shows itself openly. Forces him to perceive. 

The loud sound of the screaming fans still reverberates in the parking garage.

He sees how his hand is grasped and he is pulled. Like a balloon he is pulled behind. Fluttering in the air. Floats with lightness.
The happy child holds him tightly and securely in his hand and leads him to his place of joy.

"Are you okay?", Sam snaps him out of his trance. Yu's smile spreads wider and wider.
"Sam?" asks Yu befuddled. He sees his Sam looking at him. His face appears like a mirage. Yu reaches out his hand and tries to grasp Sam's.
Sam takes his outstretched hand in his. "Yu, are you okay?" he asks, a little worried. He sees his Yu hovering. Yu's eyes look at him, but are surrounded by a veil.
Sam slowly pulls Yu to him and takes him in his arms. Yu snuggles against Sam's neck and begins to inhale Sam's scent with each breath. He feels light on the inside and heavy on the outside. His body lets Sam's envelop him.
Sam enjoys the moment. "You're tired. Get some sleep on the ride." he whispers to Yu. He knows he won't get another answer. Yu is already slumbering in his arms. He opens the car door and carefully puts Yu on the passenger seat. Lovingly, he kisses him on the cheek as he buckles him in.

He just can't tear himself away from the sight of his sleeping Yu.

The sweet scent of his skin rises to his nose, tingling in his stomach. He kisses Yu's birthmark under his right eye, gently strokes his eyebrows with his fingers, and kisses him softly on the lips.
Yu looks so peaceful. So breathtakingly beautiful.

Sam nuzzles his neck and whispers his love to him, "Yang Yu Teng, I love you. I should have told you that much earlier."

Yu's warmth magically attracts Sam. He wants to linger and let his closeness enchant him into bliss.
'I have to tear myself away. It's a long drive. Nothing will stop me from riding the Ferris wheel with you,' Sam thinks to himself, eluding the urge to unite.

And again they ride together on the country road. Surrounded by cherry blossoms dancing around in the early wind, trickling down on them.

Sam is taken by the sight. Each cherry blossom makes him think of his Yu.

"What have you done to me?" whispers Sam in the quiet car, "I feel like I'm only really seeing the world now."

Yu slumbers deeply and Sam feels him with him. The silence makes him perceive his happiness with all his senses.
His skin tingles.
He tastes the sweetness of his Yu on his tongue.
Smells the fragrance of her flower meadow.
Hears the beat of his heartbeat.
Feels the happiness inside him making waves.
And looks to his Yu.

"What are you doing to me? How will I ever be without you again?" says Sam defenselessly.

Reality seems so far away to Sam. As if he were dreaming. As if there must still be the bitter fear of an ending.  With all his might he tries not to make the worried voice in his head heard.

'I decide what my reality is,' Sam thinks to himself and says seriously, "You are mine! I'm not giving you away anymore."

The images in Sam's mind show Yu in his arms. Reaching around him. Pressing him against him. His soft body clinging to Sam, making him glow.
He sees Yu's face digging into his body.

How his hands touch him.

How he sits on him, dominating him.

He sees them jump together into the tides of their love. Be underwater each other's breath. Their lips groping each other. Their tongues unite.

Sam feels a deep excitement growing inside him and decides to stop short. He pulls over to the side of the road and turns off the engine.For deep breaths, silence hovers in the car.
Sam tries to become master of himself again.

He looks out the window, searching for other images in his mind, which is obsessed only with Yu. Other people. Other things. Other feelings.

In vain.

Now it's his heart that won't stop pounding.
He remembers no other moment in his life. No one. Nothing.
Only the longing for his Yu.

The realization that he will never reach himself again makes him sigh softly.

"Where are you?" purrs Yu, eyes still closed.
Sam flinches. He feels caught and continues to look out the window.
"What's wrong with my wolf?", Yu tries, still purring.

His kitten's voice penetrates Sam, tickling his patience.

The next moment, Sam hears Yu unbuckling his seatbelt. He smells his scent approaching. Tastes the anticipation. Feels the excitement in his belly. And sees Yu's hands reaching for his face.
And he knows he can't hold Yu's gaze. A tender shame flows through his body.
" Zi Hong Lin, look at me!", Yu whispers to Sam. Sam opens his eyes and shows himself to Yu.
And earns a charming smile.
"I want to be inside your head so much. See what you're seeing. Hear what you're thinking. Feel what you feel.", Yu says sweetly, making Sam laugh.

He laughs heartily and with emotion. "You better not. That would shock you.", Sam explains with a smirk, averting his gaze from Yu again.

And earns a punch in the stomach.

Eyes widening, Sam looks back into the eyes of his brutish kitten.

"Your shocking side is mine too!" says Yu seriously.

Again, he makes Sam laugh.

Sam grabs Yu's with both hands and slides them down his torso, squeezing tightly. He lets Yu feel his firm, well-built body and suddenly pauses at his groin.

"Every side is yours. Everything is yours. I'm yours. Only time and place separate us," Sam growls, only now seeing Yu's sensual expression on his face.

Yu is so turned on by Sam's move that he can only hear his perfect Sam's sexy voice from a distance. He promptly encloses Sam's lips with his. Decides to surrender to the call.

They kiss delicately and tenderly. Taste their sensual sweetness. Hear the sound of their juicy union. Feel intoxicated by their potion.

And it's Sam who groans from Yu putting his hand on his hard erection.

"Wait, Yu, don't do that!" pleads Sam. He sees the hunger in his tiger's eyes. "We're in the middle of the holiest of days on the side of a busy highway. Keep cool, baby!", Sam takes the reasonable instance.

Yu sighs in disappointment. And pouts.
Sam melts at the sight and kisses Yu's pouty lips.

"We still have our whole lives, don't we?" he adds afterward.

Yu tries not to show that his heart just skipped a beat at his statement.

He sits back in his seat and looks out the window.

Now it is he who is trying to regain control of his body.
And now it is he who feels his entire insides flowing, rushing, flooding with happiness.

"Come on, let me drive now. You need some sleep too," he smiles at Sam.

"Anything you say, baby!" purrs Sam.

FANFICTION Insight 1: The Ferris Wheel   - Torn apart connected (Main Story) -Where stories live. Discover now