Scene 4 An unknown feeling

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Omniscient narrator

As Yu drives down the country road of there love with a peaceful smile on his face, Sam chats about their experiences together. His childlike excitement in telling the story makes Yu's heart giggle.

"I'll never forget when Jiang called me all excited and summoned me to the studio. He claimed to have finally found Zhou Shu Yi," Sam recalls with amusement.

"You wouldn't believe how many applicants I had to look at during the casting. Although I was convinced by the script from the beginning, I resisted the idea of seeing one of those men playing alongside me," Sam continues, looking thoughtful.

"Crazy! No one could convince me. Jiang was pretty annoyed with me.", Sam laughs, "And promptly called me a diva. I have to admit that the thought of giving up the role crossed my mind. Maybe I just wasn't ready to give another man that intimate love," Sam formulates his thoughts at the time.

Yu feels a brief stab in his stomach. His smile freezes for a moment. He tries not to show his rising uneasiness.

Sam continues speaking, "Jiang demanded that we do a short improvisation with each applicant. Constantly changing men that I was supposed to touch affectionately and roughly at the same time to show our chemistry on camera. It was really too much," Sam grumbles, oblivious to Yu's scowling aura.

Yu feels an irrational anger rising inside him.

'Why are you telling me this?' Yu thinks to himself indignantly. The images of Sam with other men triggers an avalanche of disgust and anger within him.

And the feeling of hopelessness takes over his inner world.

He never thought he would fall in love with a man. Love knows no gender, but always receives special attention from society.

Can this love stand up against the constraints and taboos of the world? Did Sam just get carried away? Is his love only the product of an illusion that inspires the world? Where will it all lead?

Yu feels his fears suffocating him.

"Then you came. I let Jiang lead me into the casting room and I saw you," Sam tells Yu in a now calmer and deep voice.

He turns to Yu and sees his expressionless gaze fixed on the street.

"Yeah, that's exactly how your expression was when we were introduced," Sam laughs, remembering the strange man he met then.

"I was immediately taken by your strange charisma," Sam gushes, smiling at his Yu in love.

And he doesn't realize the battle Yu is fighting inside.

Light and tipsy, he rejoices in every future moment with his Yu, recalling that strange and life-changing moment of their first meeting.

Yu, on the other hand, has long since lost control of his dark thoughts.

He was never an optimist. Never got excited easily. Always doubted.

The bitter taste of his familiar apathy occupies every cell in his body.

He also remembers the first meeting with Sam.

His agent excitedly reported to him that he had received an offer from Taiwan for a series. He fussed a bit when Yu wanted to know more about the story. When he finally learned that it was a boylove series, he couldn't figure it out.

He didn't know the effects of love on the body. He only ever had the longing for union with himself.

He saw lovers and sang about them in his songs. Felt and celebrated the pain of loneliness.

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