Scene 5 Candied strawberries

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Omniscient narrator

Sam gets out of the car that has just been parked and rushes to the driver's door. Yu gets it opened and a hand held out to him.

Sam feels his Yu's cool hand and gently pulls him towards him. He kisses Yu's hand and breathes warmly on it.

Yu can only grin at this.

'Such a cheesy wolf,' he thinks to himself, while his heart can't hide the joy of Sam's move.

"You must be hungry. Let's get you something yummy.", Sam purrs, delighted by a spark he sees flashing in Yu's eyes.

And again, Yu is a balloon being pulled behind by his playmate.

The only playmate he wants.

The one he wants to own.

Who should have no other playmates.

Only him.


As they walk through the crowds, Yu sees all the looks.

The looks that are directed at his Sam.

Wanting to glamour him.

Coming for him.

Yu shakes his head.

'Get back into it,' he scolds himself internally, trying to shut out the outside world. The talent that has been his highest virtue all his life, he is now unable to become aware of.

He wants to get out of here. To be alone with Sam. To no longer perceive this threat. But he doesn't want to destroy Sam's joy.

Suddenly Yu stops, forcing Sam to do the same.

"What's wrong? You look worried.", Sam asks as he stands close to Yu.

"I'm not hungry, let's go to the Ferris wheel right away.", Yu replies.

"Are you sure? My kitty is bound to be hungry after all. Aren't you going to snack on candied fruit? I'd love to watch you do that," Sam hums softly in Yu's ear.

Yu chuckles as his cheeks bloom.

Sam reaps a punch to the chest.

Yu just can't manage to resist this temptation. It's not the candied fruit, but Sam's expression in his eyes as he snacks that teases him.

And Yu decides to show Sam that he doesn't need another playmate anymore.

Sam sees the change in Yu's eyes and knows that he has dug his own grave.

This time it is Yu who pulls Sam after him like a balloon. Determined to lead him to his place of joy.

In the crowd they remain undetected.

There is a cheerful bustle at all the stalls. Delicious smells mingle with laughter from clusters of people. And in the middle of it all, Sam and Yu stand pressed tightly together by the crowds, waiting to buy some candy.

They do not take their eyes off each other. Wordlessly they communicate with each other.

They give each other a smile.

Blushing one after the other.

Giggle and feel free.

"What can I get you?" the lady at the booth snaps them both out of their trance.

Sam casts a questioning glance at Yu. He grins and directs his gaze to the saleswoman. "Two candied strawberries, please," Yu orders politely in full anticipation. Sam pays and they let the crowd push them a little further away.

FANFICTION Insight 1: The Ferris Wheel   - Torn apart connected (Main Story) -Where stories live. Discover now