Scene 3 Addiction to his Yu

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Omniscient narrator

"Stay away from me!" says Yu as they walk through the plantation. In the shade of the cherry tree blossoms enveloping them, Yu tries to gain his inner fortress. The sight and smell of the blossoming cherry trees takes him back to his homeland. In Japan, he was always master in his own fortress.

He reaches into his pants pocket, pulls out a scrunchie and ties his hair up.

He leans against a tree and closes his eyes, embarking on a journey to his safe fortress.

He recalls the moments in his parents' garden. As a child, he used to sit under the cherry tree and be content with himself. He would watch the blossoms and indulge in beauty as an aesthete.

Sam watches Yu move away from him.

The sight of his Yu with his hair tied together makes his love pour out.

He falls in love again.

Falls for him.

Detaches himself from everything else.

His Yu leans against a cherry tree with his eyes closed, crowning the breathtaking magic of cherry blossoms.

Sam shakes his head, realizing Yu surpasses every superlative.

He feels a relentless, loud desire rising within him.

His blood flows faster and faster through his body.

Every cell is informed of the addiction to his Yu.

Sam's brain shuts down all areas of reason.

Purely instinctively, he creeps up on his beautiful prey.

To admire him.

To worship him.

To protect him.

To capture him just for himself.

He approaches his Yu. Silently on the outside and growling on the inside.

He stands so close to him and inhales his warmth that all the hairs on his body stand up.

Yu's meditation is disturbed by an aura of sensuality. He feels his fortress making slight waves. Even as he tries to surrender back to nothingness, the tingling in his body makes him aware of the outside world.

"I can't stay away from you," he hears his wolf's deep voice murmur against his ear. "You're mine." he breathes after it, blasting Yu's heart. All his senses explode into a hot, all-consuming longing.

In a barely audible voice and squeezed eyes, Yu pleads:

"Why are you doing this? I listened to you, didn't I?"

"I can't. It's not in my power," Sam reveals, resting his forehead on Yu's shoulder. Only a few inches separate him from his hot Yu. The urge to overcome the last obstacle takes more strength than anything Sam has had to muster in his life.

"It's your fault. It's your fault I'm obsessed," Sam growls, "I can't stay away from you."

Yu senses Sam's inner struggle and leans his head against Sam's. Silently, he whispers his sympathy to him.

Suddenly, Yu grips Sam's neck and closes the last few inches. "Then let's go home. I'll confess my guilt then and seek forgiveness." he breathes into Sam's ear and begins to delicately kiss his neck.

Sam recoils and searches for Yu's with widened eyes.

Pouting, he says, "I want to ride the Ferris wheel with you. This is our first date. Nothing is stopping me."

Yu marvels at Sam's childlike persistence and starts laughing out loud. Several slaps on Sam's arm and chest attest to his euphoria.

Sam grins and pouts in turn. Yu has to laugh even harder at the sight of his adorable Sam.

Sam watches Yu radiate pure joy. His tied up hair shows a whole new facet of noble beauty. Yu's face is the fulfillment of all his dreams.

Yu sees the look on Sam's face and smiles shyly.

And Sam sees Yu blush.

The rarest flower in the world opens its bud and shows itself in full bloom.

And Sam melts away. His eyes glaze over.

"What are you doing to me?" growls Sam.

Yu gives him a smile and says, "Riding the Ferris wheel. Come on, let's keep going."

Yu takes Sam's hand and they walk to the car. Both feel intoxicated, succumbed and fulfilled.

Both feel the waves of their love surging in the bosom of their pleasure center.

FANFICTION Insight 1: The Ferris Wheel   - Torn apart connected (Main Story) -Where stories live. Discover now