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Miranda was grabbing her things out her locker. When she felt someone watching her. She knew it could only be one person. Her boyfriend.  She had been seeing Ben officially for five months now and they were established. Ironically she was head over heels in love with the man.

He was everything that she could imagine and he treated her like a queen. Not to mention the sex. The sex was so amazing that she didn't know if she could ever go without.

"Go away, Benjamin." Miranda said sternly.

She immediately expected his smart and witty come back, but when he didn't she turned and out of the blue, bumping into someone.


"I'm sorry! I didn't notice you! I thought I was in here alone." she said as she gave her hand to help him up. He reached for her hand and pushed himself up. Miranda was dumbfounded as she watched the guy who had been smiling at her.

"You – look familiar" she uttered. The guy scrunched his nose and gave her a wide gorgeous smile – the one that she was really familiar with. Miranda gasped.

"Ben?" she asked, incredulously. This cannot be Ben, she just crawled out his bed this morning. Her mind wandered as she stared at the tall man in front of her. Her eyes landed on his eyes – his twinkling ebony eyes. The man looked like Benjamin Warren, except that he looked more built and more distinguished with specs of grey hair on his head and a little throughout his beard.

"No, no, no!" she said, rubbing her temple. She compared the man in front of her with the Ben Warren that she knew and loved. "It couldn't be" she said once again.

"Really, Miranda? You don't recognize me?"

"You mean – Ben?" she asked and suddenly, she felt her head spinning and her world turned black.

"Seriously? What did you do?"

Miranda faintly heard the voices and then, another muffle voice. She slowly opened her eyes and was greeted with a concern Ben.

"Are you okay?" he asked, voice filled concern. Miranda nodded. Ben helped her sit down.

"It's crazy. I thought I saw an older version of you or something just now. I must have been dreaming or hallucinating" she said, chuckling. "I'm with you now I’m going to stop watching si-fi and horror movies before bed babe.

Miranda frowned when she noticed the serious look on Ben's face.

"Yeah, about that – you're not dreaming baby." he said as he moved away from her and her vision landed on two figures – a man and a woman. It was the older version of Ben and a woman who looked a lot like her. Miranda frowned once again and her eyes widened as she turned to look at Ben.

"I met her – I mean the future you when I was walking out of OR 3.

"And you are okay with this?" Miranda asked, eyes as wide as saucer when she saw Ben shrugging his shoulders.

"It's cool in a weird way! Don't you think so,? It's like one of your movies you insist on watching. I mean – they came from the future! She said they're here to visit and reminiscence their memories together"

Miranda rolled her eyes at Ben's enthusiastic response.

"Hi, Miranda. I am sorry if my husband scared you" the future Miranda said. Miranda and Ben stood in silence as they stared at their future self.

"You're married? I mean – we're married?" Miranda said. Future Miranda smiled and showed her finger which had her huge wedding ring and beautiful diamond studded band.

"Wow!" Ben said. The future Ben chuckled. "Been married for 12 years now. he said as he reached for his back pocket and took out his wallet. He took out two pictures out of it and showed it to Ben and Miranda.

"Our wedding photo." Future Ben showed them and Miranda grabbed it leaning into Ben.

"You look beautiful." Ben complimented dreamy eyed.

"She really did." Future Ben expressed with the same look.

"Breathtaking." They both said simultaneously.

Miranda smiled lightly.  "Thanks to the both of you." Future Miranda and Miranda said.

"What's that picture?" Miranda asked staring at his wallet.

Future Ben handed Miranda the second picture and she stared lovingly at it.

"Oh my goodness. Tuck is so grown up." Miranda marveled.

Future Miranda grabbed her purse and pulled out a wallet size photo of a family portrait.

Ben and Miranda peered at it. It was them with Tuck and another boy.

"Who's that?" Ben questioned.

"That is Joey our son." Future Ben answered and their eyes widened.

"We have a son?" Ben questioned

"Yep. I can't give you the details, but he's a joy and a future doctor."

"Tuck and Joey a dynamic duo" Future Miranda said, chuckling softly. Ben and Miranda stared at the two teenagers.  Trying to commit the image to memory.

"This is too surreal. It is hard to believe" Miranda said.

"Hey why are you in a firefighter uniform?" Miranda questioned looking at Ben then Future Ben.

"Long story." Future Ben chuckled and Future Miranda rolled her eyes heavily.

"I can't say anything, but girl prepare yourself for a lot of headaches with this one." Future Miranda said crossing her arms.

Be was now curious as well. "Do you mind if I- I keep this?" Ben asked hopeful.

"I'm sorry, but. We cannot leave any trace behind. You'll get this when it is time." Future Ben said as he took the picture back.

"But you can let us see you? I thought it would be forbidden to interact with someone that you know." Miranda asked. The older couple just shrugged their shoulder.

"It's not like we go around and exposed ourselves. We just talk to you guys. There's no harm in doing so. It's not a crime Chief."

Miranda rolled her eyes in annoyance while the future her smacked future Ben's arm.

"Well, the rule is that we can meet with our past self but not everyone else. We're here because there's something bothering your mind. We thought that we could help you."

Miranda looked at her future self who was smiling at her.

"Why don't we go somewhere else? I don't think this place is suitable for talking." future Miranda said. Miranda looked around and everyone just realized that they were still in the attending’s lounge.

"Let's just go to your office babe." Future Ben suggested to Future Miranda.

"It's not my office yet. I think if I remember correctly it's Shepherd’s office or maybe Owen Hunt's. While I or we were a general surgery attending.

Miranda mouth gaped open. "Wait a minute am I the future Chief of surgery." She gasped putting a hand over her chest.

Future Miranda smiled widely and nodded her head feverishly.

Miranda jumped up and down excitedly and did a little dance. Proud of her future self. They both danced excited together. Future Miranda pulled off her with coat and badge showing her both and Miranda rubbed her hand across it.

"So tell me how we did it?" Miranda cheesed.

"I can't tell you." Future her pouted. "But What I will say is... thanks to this handsome man."

Future Ben grabbed onto Future Miranda and pulled her into him kissing her lips. She moaned lightly as he put his hand on her ass.

"Stop your embarrassing us in front of pda at work." Future Miranda scolded.

"She's still doing that?" Ben chuckled and future Ben laughed.

"She saying that now, but there will be plenty of on-call room, supply room, and office sex that she initiates." Future Ben said as a matter o fact causing future Miranda to hit.

Ben turned towards Miranda and wiggled his eyes brows and she pushed him.

"Lets drive down to the lake." Ben suggested and everyone nodded

Ben and Future Ben sat by a tree and watched Miranda and Future Miranda who were talking. Ben had drove all of them to the lake since he thought that it would be the perfect place to talk it was secluded and nobody was around at the time.

"When did we propose to Miranda?" Ben asked, curiously.

"I can't tell you the details. But I can tell you one thing." future Ben said as he stared at his younger self.

"Something is going to happen and let her go, but don't let her go for too long. It doesn't make since now, but it will. She's the love of your "our" life. Later down the road its going to be wonderful, blissful, success, stress, heartache, sadness, laughs, love and etc, but don't ever give up. Believe me you won't. I’m just trying to prepare you and not prepare you. I wish I could tell you not to make some of the mistakes that I did but some things need to happen in order for another thing to happen. If you know what I mean"

"Yeah I do." Ben said.

"I know that you were confused and at loss at what to do right now." Future Miranda said. "But trust me when I say that everything will be alright.

"Really?  I love him. I have never felt this way before about anyone. Not even Tucker, but I guess you would know. I just still think we are moving fast." Miranda expressed.

"And that's okay. Tucker did a number on us, but what I will say is what we had with Tucker wasn't true love. It was settling, but this with Ben is overwhelming love. Crazy unmatched pure love. You are going to love and be in love with that man so much that it could hurt, but at the same time it's so beautiful. " future Miranda smiled as she glanced at Ben and future Ben who were talking behind them.

"Miranda, no matter what happens, keep on having faith in yourself. Its going to get hard. Things might turn out differently but never give up. You will find a balance between work, mother and wife. It requires a lot of hard work. You might need to make some really hard decision in the near future but trust what your heart says and remember this; no relationship is all sunshine, but two can share one umbrella and weather the storm together. My husband and I are the proof of it."

"Baby, we should go. We promised the boys burgers tonight at Cal’s!" Future Ben shouted.

"In a minute!" Future Miranda said and turned to hug her past self. "All the best, honey." she smiled as she walked toward her husband. Ben went to get Miranda and held her hand as they watched their future selves walked together hand in hand before they disappeared right before their eyes.

"This is one experience that will always be in my mind." Ben whispered. Miranda nodded, agreeing with him.

"What do you want to do? Go back to work?" Ben asked.

"Umm lets just call out for the rest of the day." Miranda suggested. "We are already at the lake and Tuck is with his dad this weekend.

" good idea." Ben smiled. "I’m going to book us a hotel."

"Are we going back for clothes." Miranda asked.

"I don't know about you, but I don't think we need them." Ben laughed wiggling his eyebrows.

"Get a room with a hot tub. We can do water aerobics" Miranda giggled.

"I don’t need a hot tub and jets. I get jets and quite the water workout when I put my face between your legs." Ben stated.

"Uh Benjamin." Miranda blushed and kissed his lips.

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