Episode One-New Beginning

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As the door opened a shining light beamed through the cracks as Makoto and the rest of class 78 had hope in their eyes. As they all stepped out into the world again class 78 was shocked at what they saw dead trees and red dark skies. Naegi started to sweat feeling fear and despair in his heart. Then he felt a hand overlapping with his it was Mukuro. "Everything is going to be okay Naegi." After hearing that Makoto gave a smile to Mukuro. That smile is what made Mukuro fall in love with Naegi the first time they met.

Suddenly multiple choppers appeared as they landed multiple soldiers came out of the chopper. Suddenly one of the soldiers stepped out. "Everyone pick a chopper and get on." Naegi was wondering what was going on right now then he noticed Mondo walking up to the soldier saying what probably everyone was thinking. "Hey, buddy just who the fuck are you and why should we even trust you." The soldier replied saying "I'm the commander of this unit we have been sent by chairman Tengan to bring all of you back to Future Foundation headquarters." Future Foundation Makoto thought, he has never heard of the Future Foundation and was a bit worried about it. "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT IF I DON'T WANNA GO ON THE CHOPPER." The soldier told him if you don't wanna go he can just simply stay here.

Looking around at his surroundings Mondo flipped off the commander jumping on one of the 3 choppers. Kiyotaka, Chihiro, Yasuhiro, and Hifumi go into the first chopper following Mondo. In the second chopper, it was Celestia, Leon, Sayaka, Byakuya, and Toko drooling all over him. In the final chopper, it was Sakura, Aoi, Kyoko, Makoto, and Mukuro holding on to him tight making Makoto blush a little bit. A couple of minutes later they all saw a tall building towering over everything else around them. The choppers landed and stop with a screeching halt. As Naegi got off he walked over to the tall building reading the words Future Foundation. Naegi was surprised so it wasn't a lie he thought to himself, he was still worried about what was in store for him and his friends.

As the doors opened they noticed an escalator going to a large room. When the soldiers opened the door class 78 was greeted by 5 individuals an old man with glasses sitting on the other end of the room an orange hair woman hugging a tall man with short white hair then a man in the corner a man with a black fur coat with an angry expression on his face finally a strange man with a cow mask on. "Sorry, we couldn't have everyone here." The old man said my name is Kazuo Tengan and I'm the chairman of this amazing establishment." He had a wide smile on his face. "Let me introduce you to some of our members this is Chisa Yukizome standing next to her is Kyosuke Munakata over here is Juzo Sakakura and the man in the mask is The Great Gozu we have other members of course but they couldn't make it." Tengan said with some disappointment in his voice.

After that Fujisaki walked up. "Excuse me sir but I wanna go home to my family." Tengan looked down with sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry but they're all gone." That made everyone shocked some like Sayaka and Aoi broke down in tears "What does that mean for us then." Makoto said holding back tears. "Well, it means Naegi that you have your classmates must join Future Foundation." That made the room go silent then after a few moments Ishimaru spoke up. "So let me get this straight mister chairman we have to join you what would we do."

Suddenly Gozu walked up to Ishimaru slapping his hand on his shoulder. "You'll be heroes stopping despair in its tracks and bringing back hope for the world." Gozu then continued speaking. "Don't worry we will split you up into different branches based on all of you're strongest skills." That made everyone smile Makoto felt hope course through his body he wondered if that's how everyone felt. He looked over at Mukuro she was smiling Naegi didn't know that Mukuro was still feeling depressed over Junko maybe this will give her enough despair she thought. Then she felt arms wrap around her it was Naegi hugging her. "Whatever we do I'm happy we're doing it together Mukuro." That made her have happy tears shed down her face. Finally, the future was looking bright.

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