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Word Count: 1650


His arms wrap around my body, tugging me closer against him.

The feeling of Kadrick's lips against mine, his body pressed so close to me, scent evading my senses, is delightful, and yet I can't keep my mind from wandering. It's getting late, but I needed a moment with Kadrick, to make sure everything between us is still okay, that he still isn't bothered by my mission. He isn't, as far as I'm aware, but it doesn't make me feel any less guilty.

At the very least, I'm glad I've been able to sneak out most nights to come to the compound. It's not realistic to do it every night, but seeing Kadrick and Malin makes me feel better about what I'm doing. It reminds me that even if I suffer through this, it's for them, and for everyone else in the Pack.

Kadrick breaks the kiss, examining my face, sensing my attention has drifted. "You seem distracted."

"Sorry. There is a lot on my mind," I mutter, running a hand down my face. Kadrick sighs, letting go of where he had been cradling me against him, letting me sit up properly on the couch. We are in his room, as it's furnished far nicer. Living here at the compound, I've always been too busy, too distracted to bother decorating my room.

Or maybe it's because I've grown up never having a permanent room, never having the luxury to take care of myself, let alone my room. Aside from Kadrick, no one but me goes in there anyway.

Kadrick twirls a piece of my dark hair around his finger distractedly. "About the mission?"

"It's harder than I thought it would be," I admit, tipping my head back and closing my eyes. The conversation at breakfast this morning got into my head more than I thought it would. They told me straight to my face that I need to be heartless and cruel to achieve the job Kenna has been assigned, that I'm stepping into her place to achieve. "I hate him so much."

Kadrick grins, gripping my hands tightly. "Good. It means our revenge is going to be far sweeter."

"I know..." I look down at our hands clasped together.

"What?" Kadrick asks, not accusatory, but concerned. Sometimes I wonder whether he would walk away from all this if I asked him to. I never would, but it's a thought that comes into my mind. We established our relationship here, with everyone having a common goal. Would he still wish to be with me once we have successfully dismantled Isaiah's place as Alpha, when I'm not the leader of this rebellion?

"I don't like Zire," I say, concentrating instead on the insufferable second-in-command whose presence in the estate has been an unwelcome surprise. "I need to get rid of him somehow, stop him whispering in Isaiah's ear, stop him watching me."

Malin was disgusted when she heard that we had missed out on a vital piece of information. It only proves Isaiah's dark webs of deception run far deeper inside that estate then we have previously thought. If he has a second-in-command who he is hiding, what could Zire's overarching purpose be in there?

"We will figure it out," Kadrick exclaims. It's exactly what he said to Malin to calm her down when she considered completely pulling me out of the estate to announce our failure.

"I don't like Kenna being locked up." Hiking my knees up to my chest, I think of the poor girl in that room, in my old office which has been converted to be suitable for her comfort.  Malin obliged reluctantly, but it's something important enough for me to fight for. "We have to get this over with quickly."

Kadrick nods. "We will."

It's glaringly obvious that his words of comfort are empty. How well this goes relies on me and how well I can seduce the Alpha, or at the very least, gain his trust.

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