Word Count: 1821
I sit on the edge of the bed, examining Isaiah with a cautious eye.
It's the first time I've been in his room, and not exactly in the circumstances I would have presumed before I started this mission. We all stood silently in his room while he showered, neither me, Zire nor Elise having anything to say to one another. All the while, I kept my eyes trained out the expansive window and at the sunrise.
Where all the time has gone, I have no idea.
Once Isaiah stepped from the shower, no more than a white towel draped around his hips, it became clear the nature of his injuries. Those rebels fought back. It's clear by the large gash down his stomach, the slice across his jawline and a myriad of scratches littering his skin.
"How did you do it?" Zire asks. He stands at the entrance of the bathroom, watching Elise cleaning blood from Isaiah's skin. "Kill them, I mean?"
"They let me out of my binds to unlock the door, and I turned on them." Isaiah almost sounds numb, as he examines himself coldly in the mirror, watching Elise. As much as I dislike her, she is adept with the medical equipment needed to nurture him back to help.
Even if an uncomfortably feeling is digging deep under my skin witnessing it.
"How did you fight all of them off?" Elise asks, rinsing her cloth under the facet. Isaiah winces slightly as she presses it back to his skin.
Isaiah meets my eyes in the mirrors reflection. "Don't worry about it."
Shifting my gaze away to back out the window, I let my shoulders deflate. I'm not sure if Isaiah will ever go into detail about what happened and how he killed those rebels, I just know, as Alpha, he is fully capable of it. My heart thinking about those innocent lives. They may not have gone about it a very good way, but there intentions aren't all that different to mine.
Would Isaiah kill me in the same way as he killed them? I imagine my death would be more scheduled and perhaps less brutal. Either way, I would either be spending my life in a prison or executed.
"Where were you, Elise?" Zire asks curiously. Elise pauses, her lashes so thick and dark when she narrows her eyes upon the second in command, she looks genuinely sinister.
"Hiding. I heard something so I hid under the bed," she shrugs.
"You're lucky..." Zire mutters. I can see the burden lingering in him, wishing he could have done more. Instead he negotiated with me, leaving me to wonder if he will actually keep his end of the bargain. No one else in the rebellion needs to know about him, and considering what I may get out of him, I'm happy to keep up my end.
"I doubt they wouldn't have killed you," Elise notes, holding Isaiah's wrist as she wipes at a small cut above his eye brow, his dismissive swatting clearly bothering her. "They are all pathetic cowards."
I'm too exhausted to note the anger that rises up within me, dying down as quickly as it comes. All of these people are privileged and have no idea what the rebellion is really fighting for. From their perspective, we are all evil, and they are the good ones.
Zire glances at me, although thankfully no one else seems to notice. "I've never agreed with you more."
"They shouldn't have done that," I say, shaking my head. Malin is going to be infuriated when she hears. She has an idea of merging all the rebellions together so her and I can rule them together, and ultimately have all the control. "But I think they just wanted to be heard, for you to know they are serious about their injustices."

Alpha Isaiah ✔️
Hombres Lobo*Thirteenth Book in the Alpha Series - Can be read as standalone* "Isaiah..." I breathe. He's so close, I can feel his hot breath mingling with mine. "What do you want, Kenna?" he murmurs, dark eyes flickering, his hands clenching tightly on the be...