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Word Count: 2056


I've never felt such horror.

This is a trap, we've been caught. Zire told Isaiah who I truly am, and now they have infiltrated the rebellion, and I'm going to go to prison for a very long time. I feel like screaming, hyperventilating or even fainting. Anything to distract myself from the terrifying reality that my life is truly ending.

"What is going on?" I ask quietly, looking at everyone's shocked expressions in turn. None of them look angry, surprisingly, but it appears as though they didn't expect to see me here. Maybe this isn't a plot against me.

Isaiah steps forward, all the warmth in his emerald eyes that I've become familiar with has leeched out, leaving an iciness in it's wake. "That is a great question."

Malin grasps my arm, looking as panicked as I feel.

"We need to get out of here, Avia. We have been caught," Malin exclaims, backing toward the door. This is the first time I've seen her not in control of a situation, taken aback by the last people we expected to see here.

Isaiah frowns. "Avia?"

"Don't worry Malin, Avia," an unfamiliar woman says from the corner of the room. "Isaiah is a member of our rebellion."

I look over her. "Who are you?"

"I'm the leader. My name is Kae," she tells me.

It hits me suddenly that I've seen her before. Her dark, straight brown hair and light green eyes spark memories of the strange woman I saw Isaiah meet with in the city, in the dead of the night. No wonder she was so interested in the murders, and was giving Isaiah information. They have been working together this entire time.

"You never told me the Alpha was..." Malin broke off, staring at Isaiah as if he may attack her at any moment. She hates him, with every part of her body, and now he is apart of the rebellion. She will be struggling with this as much as I am.

"Oh I know. We couldn't, of course. We wanted to meet you first, to stress how important it is you don't tell anyone else of this," Kae explains.

"This doesn't make sense," I whisper. Isaiah can't be in the rebellion. He just can't...

Zire steps forward, rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably. "Why don't we both do some explaining, huh V?"

"Someone seriously needs to tell me what is going on...Is this some kind of joke?" Isaiah demands, looking at me for an explanation that is caught in my throat.

I was hoping I would never have to tell him. It's selfish of me, but I wanted to disappear from his life and never break the news of my betrayal. And yet here he is, right in front of me. There is no escaping this now, no more lying or pretending to be someone I'm not. I'm Avia, someone he hardly knows.

"Isaiah, Elise and Zire joined us over a year ago. They are here to help us take down Kit, and his political web, to start this Pack afresh," Kae explains.

"We had an entire plan..." Malin reminds her.

"Oh, I know." She shrugs, unbothered by what she has had to hide from Malin to achieve this. "These three weren't aware of that plan, so why don't you and I, Malin, have a private talk while Avia explains the other side of the story."

She goes to walk out the room with Malin, but I'm still confused on so many things. "Wait, Kae...Why didn't you tell them?"

"I didn't know until your infiltration plan until around a month ago, when Malin and I started conversing. I didn't think it right to expose it to everyone until we all met," she explains.

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