Untitled Part 2

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Remus' POV

I like Tonks. Well, I love her. That's why I don't want us to be together. I'm a werewolf, I don't want her to be an outcast because of me. She told me she doesn't mind, but I know what I'm saying. I don't want her to pass through this. I'm poor, old, dangerous and homeless. She deserves someone better.

I'm at Grimmauld Place. Now it's Harry's, but he told me to come here whenever I want to. It's so sad here. Sirius is dead. My best friends are dead, while Peter is with Voldemort. I feel so alone.

The door opens and when I see who's coming in I stand breathless. Nymphadora Tonks. My beautiful Nymphadora Tonks. She smiles shyly.

"Sorry… I thought it was empty."

"Don't worry. Go to the kitchen and sit down. I was making dinner. Are you hungry?"

"Not so much. Thanks anyway."

"No problem. You seem tired."

"I am. I didn't sleep last night."

"Do you want to stay here tonight? At least you won't be woken by a Death Eater that wants to kill you."

"Well, actually I came here to sleep. My house isn't safe anymore. Harry told me to come here whenever I want to."

"That's interesting, because it's the same thing he told me."

Tonks smiles. It isn't her usual smile. It's sad and tired. I know why. I hug her tight. She rests her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes. I stroke her hair.

"Tonks. I know what you're thinking of."

"Us. You and me."

"Yeah. I already told you what I think."

"But do you love me? Please tell me the truth."

I feel pain rising in my chest. I want to shout, I want to tell the world I love her. I don't want to lie. But I have to.

"That's not the point." I say.

"Well, I think you're wrong, because that IS the point. I love you. I don't care what you are. If you love me back, we'll be together for life. No matter if you're a werewolf, a vampire or a monster. If loving you means passing through a lot of trouble, nevermind, I'll pass through a lot of trouble, because you're more important than the entire world!"

"You don't know what you're saying, Dora. I don't want you to be like me."

"I just said I don't care!"

"You don't care because you've never been through this! You don't know what means being someone that nobody wants to be in his house because you're a werewolf! You don't know what means being compared to Fenrir Greyback! You don't know!"

"Let me try! At least we'll be together! I could die with you by my side, I could die for you! Now answer my question: do you love me? Please, be honest. I want an answer. Please, give me an answer. I can't live with this anymore. I can't. Please, Remus…"


I feel tears rising in my eyes. Why doesn't he understand? Why? I love him. I want to spend with him every second of my life. I want to feel his warm body against mine, his lips on mine, I need him. So bad. I start to sob on his chest.

"No, please, Dora. Don't cry."

"How can you say me not to cry? You're breaking my heart!"


"You're just a coward, Remus. A coward!"

He tries to hug me, but I pull away.

"Can't you see what you're doing to me? I'm destroyed, Remus. Destroyed!"

I run away.


"No, please, Dora, wait…"

"I can't. I'm not going to cry anymore."

I run out and I take my Comet. I'm crying, but the wind on my face calms me down a bit. I go to Weasley's. At least, Molly will let me in. when I come there, it's nine o'clock. Molly is downstairs, I can see her through the windows. I knock at the door. She looks up. She smiles, but when she sees my face she lets out a little shout.

"Tonks! Oh, Merlin, what happened?"

"S…sorry… it's Remus…"

"What has Remus done? He told you the same?"

I nod.

"Oh, Tonks. Sometimes the boys are SO stupid! Don't worry, dear, sit down. I'll make you hot milk."

"Thanks, Molly…"

"No problem dear. You'll sleep in Ginny's room. Here, your milk."

I drink Molly's hot milk and I calm down. This hot milk is making me feel safe and loved. I feel so tired, I could fall asleep in no time. I finish my cup and I follow Molly on the stairs. I get in the bed and fall asleep.

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