Untitled Part 5

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CHAPTER 4 (3 days later)


I get up. Today there's Dumbledore's funeral. I don't think I'm ready for this. Then I look down to the beautiful girl that's sleeping on my chest and I smile. No matter what we're going through. Our love is strong enough to resist.

I gently stroke her hair. She wakes up and smiles. She's so beautiful… how could I say no?


"Hi, Dora."

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, I was fine."

"This is good, because today will be a long, tiring day."

"Yeah… Dumbledore."

She nods.

"Dumbledore was… a special man. He accepted me to school when I was eleven, even if I was a werewolf. He supported me on my 5th year when I… when I lost my parents. And then he gave me a work when I was too poor even to buy food."

"Remus, your parents…"

"They died because of a Death Eater. I don't even know who."

"I'm sorry, Remus."

"Yeah, it's just that… since then I never had a mother or a father. I just had my friends. And I lost them all. I was so depressed, Dora… like there's nobody who loves you, can you understand? Like there's nobody who really trusts you."

"I love you, Remus."

"Thanks, Dora. I really appreciate this. I love you too. Thanks for being here for me while nobody is."

"Don't say that. Molly, Arthur… they all appreciate you, you know it."

"Yes, but… it's not the same. What I had with Sirius, James… Peter, when he wasn't Voldemort's… I lost them all. I'm a bloody werewolf, Dora. Nobody likes the werewolves."

"Please, don't hurt yourself like this. Don't. You're not a bad person, Remus. You just become a beast once a month, and you can't help. It's only once a month, Remus! Nobody cares!"

"Thanks. Thanks, Dora."

I'm crying now. Tears are falling down my face. She kisses my eyes.

"Don't cry now, love. You'll have time to cry later. Now just get up. And… Remus?"


"I think that Harry loves you as a father."

These words are surprising me. Harry. Harry Potter, James' son.

"Tonksie… if this all finishes… and Harry needs a house…"

"Our house will always be opened for him."

"Thanks. You're right. Harry needs a father and I'm here to give it to him."

"I'm proud of you, Remus. Now we have to get up, come on."

"Tomorrow we're spending the day together, aren't we?"

"Of course we are, love."

I kiss her passionately, then we get out of the bed. When we're ready, I grab her hand, and then we Appear in Hogsmeade. We walk hand in hand to Hogwarts. She sits next to me during the funeral. She rests her head on my shoulder and cries. I gently rub her back. I don't cry. I feel empty. And… yes… I don't want to cry in front of all these people.

When the service finishes, I go to Harry, while Tonks goes to his father, Ted. I hug Harry. He rests his head on my shoulder.

"It's been a year…" he says "since Sirius… you know…"

I kiss the top of his head. Sirius. My best friend.

"Harry… if you need a place to stay… my house will always be opened for you."

"Thanks, but… I have a mission. Dumbledore left me some work. I won't return to Hogwarts next year. I hope you understand."

"Yeah, I understand. But if you need anything… then just ask me."

"Thank you. I love you, Remus."

I'm going to cry. Today's the second person who tells me 'I love you'. I kiss him on the forehead and go away. I find Dora, she's talking to her parents. As soon as she sees me, she smiles.

"So," says Ted Tonks, "You're our daughter's new love, yeah?"

"Yes," I say, "I am."

"Well, Remus, I don't care if you're a werewolf, I just care on how much you love her."

"More than anything. She's my life."

"Ok, you passed your test. Take care of her."

"I will, I promise."

He shakes my hand, then I grab Tonks' and we go back to Hogsmeade. When we Appear into our house, I'm so tired that I could fall asleep immediately. I fall on the bed an close my eyes.

"At least undress yourself, Remus!"

I answer with a moan. I don't want to undress, I'm too tired even for this. She sighs and suddenly I feel her soft hands undoing my shirt. She throws it away. My trousers follow it. I feel her hands rub my chest, then I feel her body over mine. She's only wearing a pair of slips and a bra. I feel her lips on mine, and I suddenly realize.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask her.

"Sure as hell, love."

AN: yes, they're going to do THAT. Do you want me to be a lot descriptive?

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