chapter 6

327 10 2

Bold word-menacing words
"Talking through an earpiece
*a person moving*

3rd pov

random man-wow thats new

random women-when did they add a crystal-like dome over the park

random child-mommy it's so pretty can I touch it

random women-know what let's just get you that ice cream you wanted

random child- ICE CREAM

random man-can I come to?

random women-sure lets go

the three left as a crowd started to form around the dome made as the police tried to look inside but they couldn't see anything until someone inside was slapped against the wall

Shoto pov

inside the dome, the three boys were doing their best to be a threat or even a challenge but even when they made a whole plan for attacking, defending, and sneak attacks but they tried everything and nothing worked

30 minutes before meeting winter

Kirishima-so he wants to fight us again


Midoriya-is it so type of training for us

Shoto-most likely

Bakugo-where is he

Shoto-at the park where we first lose to him and he said to bring eri

Kirishima-do you have a plan or something or still is just another best down for

Shoto-I need all of you to follow it because if we don't then we just lose again


Midoriya-no problem

Bakugo-what's the plan


3rd pov

Winter->so that's your Shoto, use Kirishima as a shield and to try and get a grip on me to keep me still for midoriya to attack but if they miss then you attack with your ice or fire as a way
to camouflage for bakugo<

The boys tried their best with their plan of attack but winter was too skilled, the boys could still fight mostly because Kirishima took every hit from winter
Because he was the shield

Winter pov

Winter->Kirishima doesn't quit, he just keeps getting up and playing his role<*dodge Kirishima's punch*

Shoto-plan B

I watch midoriya and Bakugo jump back and get some space and fire their attack from range while Shoto and Kirishima started to attack at close

Spider-winter I got a job for you

Winter-*Dodging the boy's attacks*what type of job

Spider-the Shigaraki job

Winter-alright let me finish this training class

3rd pov

Winter jumped back and got space between himself and the boys as smoke started to come from his body

Winter-i gotta go boys so I ending this quickly

Kirishima-so you're running away-

Kirishima-so you're running away-

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Winter MHA X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now