Chapter 9

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Bold word-menacing words
"Talking through an earpiece"
*a person moving*


Winter-just give me five more minutes

Spider-stop acting like a child and get up

Winter-no leave me alone

Spider-Akane you better get your ass-

Kayama-did you sleep well Akane

Akane-yeah I had a great rest

Kayama-I'm going to make some breakfast, do you want some?

Akane-That would be great

As Akane watched Kayama get from of him and walked to her Kitchen just for him to laughing coming from his ear

Spider-Hahahahaha there is no way hahaha

Akane-Okay it's not that funny

Spider-No this is too funny haha hahaha winter had sex with midnight

Akane-I'm going to kill you when I see you

Spider-omg this is the best day ever

Akane-if you don't shut up, I'm going to put that video on the web for everyone to see

Spider-you wouldn't dare post that video

Akane-try me

Spider-just let me know when you are done and fuck you

Akane-love you too

Kayama-come eat Akane


As Akane got off the sofa and started to walk to the kitchen before stopping in his track his pupils turned red and a red halo appeared over his head as everything thing in the room started to lift before falling back down as the red left his eyes and the red halo disappeared as Akane started to simile

Akane-another step done

Akane walked into the kitchen and sat down right next to Kayama as both of them started to eat the food

Akane-I didn't know you made food this good Kayama

Kayama-well thank you, Akane, im glad you like it

Akane-no problem so got work today?

Kayama-you know heroes never rest

Akane-yeah, villains don't take days off-

Mistress-Akane come to me now

Akane whole body stopped as he heard her voice, the only person in the world that he would follow every order from

Kayama-Akane are you okay?

Akane-*smile* yeah some stuff just came up and I need to handle this

Kayama-yeah go handle that and stay safe

Akane-awww you care about me

Kayama-just leave already


Kayama-bye love

Akane disappeared only leaving behind sparks of lighting and a piece of paper with a phone number and "see you later" on it

Kayama-he is such a heart warmer

30 minutes later

Winter-why did you call me today?

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Winter-why did you call me today?

Mistress-i don't know

Winter-can you not act like a kid today?

Mistress-no that's not fun

Winter-so can you come out and not hide like this is some game


A tipping sound was heard from behind Winter only for him to turn around and see a young woman sitting behind a stone pillar

A tipping sound was heard from behind Winter only for him to turn around and see a young woman sitting behind a stone pillar

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Mistress-sorry winter I didn't mean to upset you but I just missed your company

Winter-you didn't do anything wrong but what do you wanna do

Mistress-*puts her foot in winter's face* I painted my nails, do they look good?

Winter-get your toes out of my face before I take your leg from your body

Mistress-*warps her arms around winter* you wouldn't do because you love me

Winter-*lets go of him* please don't lie to yourself, I just need you for the time period

Mistress-so your just using me

Winter-yes and because your cute

Mistress-*pulls winter into a tight hug* I knew you loved me, winter

Winter-I didn't say all that now

Mistress-*cups winter's face* but you do love me right?

Winter-just a little bit

Mistress-more then that midnight?


Winter was only meet her cold icey blue eyes looking into his eyes and the lights in the throne room started to flicker and get colder as she grabbed winter's hands with a tight grip

Mistress-answer my question winter, do you love more then you do Kayama?

Winter-yes I love you more than anyone in the world

Mistress-*hugs Winter* I love you so much Winter

Winter-come on, I know you didn't call me for this little act

Mistress-yes, you are correct

Winter-so, what did you call me for

Mistress-*hugs winter* because I missed you

Winter-that's so wonderful

Mistress-do you remember our promise

Winter-do you remember it

Mistress-I grant your one wish

Winter-and I will become your cold winter that will freeze Heaven, Earth, and Hell on your wishes

Sorry for the wait

Winter MHA X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now