Chapter 10

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Bold word-menacing words
"Talking through an earpiece"
*a person moving*

As Winter was walking through the halls of UA eating a pizza box only to stop when he locked eyes with the former number 1 hero all might as he was just leaving a meeting room

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As Winter was walking through the halls of UA eating a pizza box only to stop when he locked eyes with the former number 1 hero all might as he was just leaving a meeting room

All might-Oh hello winter

Winter-*eating a slice of pizza* sup number 1

All might-i'm not the number 1 hero anymore and you can just call me Toshinori

Winter-Look you were someone I looked up to so you will always be my number 1 hero

Toshinori-You looked up to me

Winter-Yeah I liked the fact that you were the strongest so thats why I looked up to you

Toshinori-well thank you for the honor

WInter-*eating another slice* well have a nice day

Toshinori-well I wanted to see if I could have a talk with you

Winter-I have seven slices of pizza left so sure lets talk

Toshinori-wait seven I just saw you eat two so how do you have seven left

Winter-I got a friend that makes me pizzas with 10 or more slices if I wanted it

Toshinori-oh okay, but let me not get off topic

Winter-*eating a seventh slice* six left

Toshinori-why didn't you become a hero

Winter-because I go against your hero code

Toshinori-you don't have kill people to bring justice

Winter-*eating a sixth slice* what send them to jail would be the right thing to do

Toshinori-Yes thats the right thing to do

Winter-Just like you did with Jeffrey Hernandez


Winter-*eating a fifth slice* or the people who rape, kidnap, or sex traffick that you catch and put in jail that get put on ban or just don't get charged at all, so let me ask you a question all might how many little girls and boys did these men and women hurt, how many graveyards were filled with the bodies they dropped

Toshinori-a lot

Winter-All might I know i'm not a good person but I'll be damned if you think i'm going to let men and women kill and hurt so many people of all ages live a life thats good with fill bellys and hills of money for lifetimes while others are hurt so I will kill all of them over and over no matter what

Toshinori-that doesn't mean your a bad person

Winter-all might i'm not some little kid you can just change with some good talk

Toshinori-everyone deserves a second chance

Winter-*hands Toshinori the pizza box*not everyone Toshinori, there are people who have leap into hell that can't be dragged back from

Toshinori-* holds the pizza box* everyone can be saved no matter how far they have leaped

Winter-*turns away* and why is that

Toshinori-because I am here

Winter-*walking away* you really never change

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Winter-*walking away* you really never change

Toshinori-have a great day Winter

Winter continue to walk through the hall thinking to himself about the path he is on

Winter->Is this really the way I should go or is he right, should I just follow the hero so called hero code

Spider-don't forget why you are doing this

Winter stopped as he heard her voice, the person that pushed him as winter clutched the side of his head as his eyes turned red

Spider- you have spent too much for all that we have now, all the missions we have completed for my-your goal

Winter->but I wanted to be kind-<

Winter felt a tightness around his neck only to look down and see his own arm around his neck getting tighter

Spider-being the strongest is all that matters right

Winters eyes lose the red color as they turned black cold and empty as he lowered his arm from his neck

Winter->your right, strength is all that matters<

Spider-great we're on the same page

Winter-* disappears only leaving behind sparks of lightning *

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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Winter MHA X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now