Chapter 8

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Bold word-menacing words
"Talking through an earpiece"
*a person moving*

One week later

Aizawa-where did you go

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Aizawa-where did you go



Winter-why are you on my case right now

Aizawa-because a city got destroyed by one villain and the strongest man I know was nowhere to be found

Winter-you had the number 1 hero and y'all could have handled him if you all just used the power of friendship

Aizawa-oh so this is a funny little game to you

Winter-why are you acting like this is my problem

Aizawa-because that is what heroes do

Winter-don't make it sound like all of you heroes are good holy angels

Aizawa-but they still help

Winter-ok so you want me to help the heroes that use your fame as a way to touch little girls and boys or the ones that forced themself on women and men

Aizawa-yes there are bad apples but are the ones to stop and bring justice-

Winter-stop lying I'm the one that stopped them while you and your so-called heroes were acting like holy angels, I was the one putting a bullet through their heads

Aizawa-winter you can't just kill-

Winter-oh so let me guess you want me to put them in jail and go by the book and give them a second chance right so they can turn their lives around and make up for the mistakes they have made


Winter-what if they don't and what if they do even worse but now they know how not to get caught

Aizawa-there are good people in this world and there are bad ones as well and we are here to stop that, we are here to be the hope in the dark for the innocent-

Winter gets up from his seat and walks to the door but stop

Winter-you are a good person Aizawa and a great hero and teacher but don't forget that justice is fair but also blind

Winter left the room and started walking through the hallways of UA he was stopped by someone

???-Mr. Winter do you have a moment

Winter-oh midnight right?

Kayama-just call me Kayama

Winter-is there something you need Mrs.Kayama?

Kayama-just wanted to get to know you more and I do have money-

Winter-that was just a joke

Kayama-oh sorry I thought you were serious about that

Winter MHA X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now