"Kunimi, do the math. What's the percentage of me getting hurt?"

108 5 0


Btw this is like just dialogue, and includes characters with June birthdays!


"Why don't people laugh at my story?" Kunimi frowned.

"You... you told us about how your sister threw a rock at your head when you were six..." Kindaichi sighed. (A/n this may or may have not happened to me)

"Yeah. She still hasn't apologized."

"Quick question. Why? Just why?" Yahaba asked.

"I was running, and she grabbed a medium-sized rock off the ground and threaten to throw it if I didn't stop. At least I know she has good aim now," Kunimi shrugged.

"What did your parents do?"

"My dad still doesn't know, and my mom just yelled at us."

"All of you guys suck. Especially Yahaba," Warti scoffed walking in.

"What did I do?!"

"You didn't let me bring Motaoya."



"Watari! I haven't seen you in months! You still look the same!"

"Wow. Thanks, Kindaichi."

"No problem!"

"What happened to bros before hoes, Watari?" Kunimi snickered.

"Oh shut up. You're acting like you and Kindaichi didn't go on a vacation and didn't tell us."

"There's a difference! We're best friends."


"What are we? Chopped liver?" Yabaha joked.

"I mean.. sure if you want to be," Kindaichi shrugged.

"You know what. I'm going to find a new group of friends, you're all assholes."

"And you aren't?"

"Fair point. I shall stay."

"Why am I here?" Watari sighed.

"Oh yeah! I want $100 from the two of you," Kindaichi said.


"You see you both forgot my birthday so—"

"NO, I DID NOT!" Yabaha yelled.

"Yes, yes, you did."

"I sent you a happy birthday text," Yabaha stated. He grabbed his phone to show but then put it down realizing he didn't, "I swear I did."


"I have a totally valid reason."

"Well come on, say it," Kunimi sighed.

"Never mind. How about fifty? Or eighty? Eighty-five?"

"I set the price."

"Fuck you."

"Well, are you ready, Ray?"


"How about you, Frank?"

"Oh, I'm there, baby."

"How about you, Mikey?"

"Fuckin' ready!"

Strangers *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now