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When Eiji returned home from work did the tension in his muscles release. It wasn't that busy, but busy enough to keep his nerves wired and a headache pinching at the crown of his brain. Eiji hung his bag, peeled off his shoes, and unceremoniously threw them wherever because he could care less while his stomach flipped and groaned desperately to consume something. He was at every beck and call, running from one spot to another, he didn't know he had missed his lunch.

"Ash, I'm home!" Eiji called out as he walked into their house. There were no signs of Ash around the platform. Usually, he knew when the blonde was home when their bookshelves had gaps of space where a book would be. Ash was consistent in his studies and Eiji knew that fact far too well. Beside the echo of his calls, the house drowned in silence. He must be working late again . Eiji shrugged to himself and headed for the kitchen.

He huffed at the lack of food sitting in the fridge; a sad sight of a jar of pickles, nearly empty condiments, eggs, and a bag of leftover McDonalds taunting him- no, begging him to go shopping for groceries. He had to go do just that if he wanted to eat a proper meal rather than cold stale fries from yesterday. Slumped and tired, he grabbed his phone, dialed for Ash, and waited three rings before he picked up.

"Eiji?" Ash answered.

Eiji perked. "Ash! Hi! I'm not bothering you, am I? I know you've been really busy lately..." he fretted lightly.

"You're never a bother to me, you know that." He replied too easily and Eiji felt the swarm of heat blooming into his cheeks.

Eiji hummed a pleased sound. Giddy with butterflies in his stomach fluttering happily. "There's not much in the fridge for dinner and I thought maybe you could stop by the store and pick up a few ingredients on your way home."

On the other side of the line, It seemed as though Ash pondered to say something, but decided against it. He sighs, "I won't be home tonight."

And like that, the little flare of hope beating in his chest diminished and his shoulders drooped again. Excitement dwindling into a dull mass of disappointment. "Oh... I see. That's fine then."

A pitch too high than usual, Ash caught onto the falter in his tone. "I'm sorry, I'll be home in the morning." Eiji held back a wince. He could practically feel Ash's guilt seeping through the phone. Eiji wants to assure him that it's really okay, he understands. But, the words are lodged in his throat.


Ash is quiet on the other end and so is he. The air of uncertainty thickens between them like a mass aroma of black sludge.

Ash speaks up seconds after, " I promise, Eiji , I'll be home by tomorrow morning."

In a convincing tone that says it in more ways than one, Eiji believes him.

"I understand, I understand!" He laughs a little too loud. His throat was tightening further. "I know your latest case has been difficult for you and the guys! It's getting late and I'm beat anyway." Eiji tells him as he putters around the kitchen once again to make a cup of tea.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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