iii. sophisticated heiress

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The lavish, modern palace-like building exuded with luxury.

Floor-to-ceiling windows revealed breathtaking views of the cityscape, allowing the moon to bathe the expansive space. And amidst the happy chattering within, the large doors suddenly opened, grabbing the attention of the nearby people.

Entering the room with an unreadable face, guests here and there gaped at the woman in awe as cameras flashed in her direction. 

She's the icon; that's her. renowned and the face of the Kims. Kim Jangmi.

First class and beauty above everybody else, she is dressed in a rose-gold evening dress. With body adorned with jewels and sculpted features perfectly done. She is someone worthy to claim the title of undeniably gorgeous.

And when her lips curled up, the men swooned, and the women glared. Lust wafted the atmosphere, and so was envy. 

Everything about her screams wealth and intimidation. But not only that, she is also a pianist who has performed many concertos all around the world— something people admire more than just being a beauty.

Meanwhile, as she stepped towards the middle of the room, A woman in her mid-40s immediately took notice of the familiar face.

With a dignified aura, she walked in Jangmi's direction.

The maiden's previous cold eyes lit up. The woman in front of her is none other than Freya Bae, the hostess of the event.

"Mrs. Bae, it's a pleasure to see you again," Jangmi greeted while sending the woman her usual charming smile.

Elegantly chuckling, the woman's eyes crinkled into crescents. "Oh, Jangmi dear! You've gotten much prettier since I last saw you! I almost did not recognize you." 

Jangmi beamed at the woman's remark as they touched both of their cheeks. The pianist then handed her a gift, a present that is equally expensive as they are.

"I once read in the headlines that you played the Melody of Love by Beethoven in Paris; is that true?" The middle-aged woman asked, a smile etching across her face.

"Very well," Jangmi grinned proudly. 

With eyes full of adulation, her smile widened further. "You are just as talented as your brother! Why don't you play us a song later on?"

"If you have a piano, it would be nice." The pianist nodded. She knew she does not have the heart to turn back the woman's request.

"There will be a band of musicians performing later, I will let you use the piano." The middle-aged woman smiled one last time before her head swept to the side, her gold earrings dangling.

"I'm afraid I need to tend to the new guests. It's great talking with you, my dear. I will look forward to you playing the piano!" With one last greeting. Freya Bae's attention was finally swept away.

Jangmi once again sighed, walking inside the place as she took in the unfamiliar surroundings. It was all too beautiful and overwhelming, and she had no one to talk to, partly because no one would even go near her because they are either scared to go up to her or too fazed by her intimidating nuance.

But her eyes stopped in a certain direction when she noticed a familiar man from afar.

Choi Yeonjun.

The surprise on her face was palpable. She blinked several times, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. Surely, this couldn't be the same impeccably dressed man she knew?

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