Author was to lazy to come up with a tittle

625 11 1

Age 10

It was Dudley's birthday today Petunia and Vernon had promised to take Dudley on a international vacation after Peirs, Dudley s number 2 lackey, went to Australia for his. Fortunately ,well for him at least, his baby sitter Miss. Figgs broke her hip after tripping over one of her weird cats and is in the hospital for awhile.

He heard Petunia say something about a concoosion? No that wasn't right cunclusion? Concishin? Yeah that sounded right a Concishin...maybe?
(A/N Heh Mood)

Anyway the point was, that he got to go with them since their were no other options. So now he's trapped in a car for who knows how long, and then again on a plan. Yay him! Can you sense the sarcasm, honestly he wouldn't be surprised if they left and ditched him somewhere along the way. He flinched as Dudley poked him again, he eventually stopped after receiving no reaction and whined about being bored. Vernon caved and gave Dudley his phone to play on if he and I quote, "Shut The Fuck Up!" He almost laughed at that one ,but wisely keeps his mouth shut.

The car jerked to a stop, the sky had gone dark from the time passed spent cooped up in the car. He can't lie, he was kinda excited. He's never seen so many things before, there was giant towers made of glass, colorful lights that burned his eyes, and so many people all rushing to go somewhere time slowly ticking deadlines getting shorter and shorter.

"BOY!" Come carry the luggage our flight leaves in an hour so hurry it up!" Vernon boomed interrupting his reverence, a couple people glanced their way before going back to their task at hand.

~Time skip brought to you by voldeyshorts singeing Doll Parton as opera songs ~

Flight 3 temianial b to America is now boarding if you are general seating please bored now!
(A/N How does that work again? It's been a while since I've been on a plan. Meh,...I'm gonna guess I'm to lazy to figure it out)
The Dursley's had First class seating so lucky Petunia gave me everything she said I needed to bored the plain.

I slowly walked up to the lady at the front, "Passport and ticket please!"
I slowly handed her my papers, "Alright, everything looks in order, however because your a Minor I do need to ask where your guardians are?"

"Um, they went ahead they have different seating arrangements."

"Alright then, your seat is in the forth row and you have a window seat, lucky you! Enjoy your flight!"

A/n an update from moi it's unbelievable. Anywho had the sudden exegesis to write so here we are enjoy the story is only just beginning mwahaha!

Ow,my jaw!

Bye lovelies~

~420 words~

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