Does anyone even read these?

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The room was casted in a blue glow anticipation hung heavy in heavy in the air. A large gleaming metal goblet sat in the front of the room, an unusual sight of blue fire coming steadily out from the opening. Suddenly the fire flashed brilliant red a small slip of charred paper floating out from tips of the fire floating slowly to a waiting hand. The hand was old and wrinkled attached to a long white bearded wizard wearing eye watering red robes.

As soon as the paper landed the silence was unanimously broken by several students chattering away on possibilities of who could have been picked.

"Dumbledore, if you would please get their attention please I would like to go to bed sometime tonight." the gruff voice was thick with a bulgarian accent.

The old wizard turned to the other that had spoken eyes twinkling away, "of coarse Igor however you must let the children have their fun. It's not everyday something as big as the triwizard tournament happens, they are just simply excited."

Igor just scoffed in response

Yes however I agree with Igor here after our long trip from France I'm am getting rather tired."

"Of course madden Maxine I understand," Dumbledore nodded and quickly held up his hand, "Students, if I might have your attention please." The crowd quickly quieted, "For our first champions, for the 75th triwizard tournament, form our cousins in France the Beauxbatons academy, Fluer Delacore!"

The hall erupted white cheers and applause as a alluring blond teen got up from her seat elegantly making her way to the front and bowed, before turning and following her headmistress out the side door.

The goblet one again flashed a dazzling scarlet red and another paper floated from the top, "Our second champion from Durmstrung academy we have Victor Krum!"

Once again the crowd erupted as a large burly teen got up and strode to the front, before fallowing the blond out the door.

The crowed went deadly silent the anticipation was almost palpable at this point, the goblet once again flashed, " and from our own hallowed halls of hogwarts we have our final champion, Cedric Digory! Congratulations my boy, please fallow the other contestants while I wrap things up here."

The other headmaster and headmistress stepped out once again and began to stride forwards, when the goblet suddenly erupted for the forth time.

Everyone stared shocked as a single paper ,charred further than the others before it, floated to the floor.

Dumbledore seemingly the first to come out of his shock strode forward  and picked up the parchment gasping when he read the name scrawled on the paper, "Harry Potter" the name was whispered but echoed throughout the chamber bouncing of the walls in the silence. Immediately after the name was uttered the hall erupted into a cacophony of noise.
"Run faster hade! Do want to get caught!" A young man with long blue hair that faded to a light purple yelled.

No, but if you keep shouting your going to get us caught now shut up Alex!, the teen had long black hair ,with streaks of toxic green that matched his eyes, pulled up in a bun. Strands falling into his face.

"Both of you just shut up! Rye can't you just bloody pop us someplace again or something. Maybe even scare them with that gorgeous snake of yours, we're kinda running into a dead end here." They're hair was a short undercut the base black with their tip died red.

"I already tried green they didn't give a fuck! Plus I have a feeling that if I do pop us it won't exactly work in our favor!" He shouted back.

"Well that's too bad because we're literally cornered,"  The first teen responded.

He growled, "Fine but whatever happens is on your fucking head. He grabbed them both by the wrist before closing his eyes and vanished with a load bang.

The two cops fallowing stared open mouthed
"you gonna explain this to Jarod."

"Bloody hell are you insane they'd fire us both"

"Well then what do you suggest oh so high and mighty!"

"I don't know joe! I do not know," he dragged a hand down his face and sighed.

A/n Boo I'm aliveee!Told ya I was still updating. What, ya didn't believe me!?

Lol me either, anywho (is that even a word) enjoy and as always...

Bye lovelies~

~741 words~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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