Chapter Twelve

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            "Steve, Ayla, What's going on?" Bucky asks rushing towards us the moment I open the side door.

"You and Winters have been setup by Hydra, you need to disappear until we can sort this out." Steve responds in a curt manner.

"What have we been setup for exactly?"

"The attempted assassination of the President."

There is silence, I watch James' expression which is screwed into one that says 'of course the Winter Soldier would be framed for this'. He looks over at me, probably sensing my eyes on him, and the look softens to one of apology. In a way I suppose all of this happening is somewhat his fault, but regardless of my involvement an assassination on the President would take time and planning well beyond the time I have known James so this was going to happen anyway. Now we are in this together, however I do not like Steve's direction to disappear and let them sort it out. I can't sit by and do nothing when I am the one being hunted alongside Barnes.

"Take Winters to secure location Omega and take whatever you will need. There is a phone there you can reach us on but only use it in an emergency. We can also remotely activate it if we need to get in touch with you for any reason. Until you hear from us though we need you to remain radio silent. Don't stay at Omega too long-"

"I know the drill Steve," Bucky says with sad honesty, "before all this happened we discovered that the warehouse belongs to Zemo, its amongst a long list of properties owned by him and his family, Sam and I suspect that he has loaned it to Hydra. If Zemo has any involvement then he is still on his crusade to get rid of super soldiers."

"We will follow that lead and every other lead we can to get you both back safely. I will work with Mackenzie in the meantime too, she has proven to be an asset to this mission."

Steve's vague plan of action counts as his dismissal as he turns and walks back towards the car. With a final look over to Bucky and myself he gives a nod and gets into the car, accelerating off just as he closes the door. Leaving me with Bucky in the dark of night with nothing but the fading crunch of gravel below the tyres of the disappearing vehicle.

"Get on." James says, breaking the silence in the air, I had not realised he had moved back to his motorcycle. I stare at the motorcycle, clearly built for speed and not comfort or safety, and look at James with hesitation, "don't tell me miss rubber knife to a gun fight draws the safety line at motorcycles."

"How about you get on the back and I drive?"

"Absolutely not, do you think I can fit on that back seat?"

"Do you think I can?" I stare at the seat, appropriately sized for a newborn child not an adult.

"You will be fine, just get on."

"How about you tell me where this location is and I will walk and meet you there instead?"

"Ayla..." James begins softly, I can tell he is trying to be nice but I can also sense his urgency now.


I walk over and place a hand on his shoulder to support me as I launch my leg up and over the motorcycles' high tail. As I centre myself on the balance beam width seat Bucky starts the engine and begins to roll forwards. The jolt sends me forward in my seat slightly and I am pressed right up against Bucky's back. Bucky throttles the bike forward and suddenly the wind is whipping past my face, so icy cold and sudden it makes the burn on my face feel better and worse at the same time. I wince at the sensation and wrap my arms instinctively around James' waist to hold myself in place while I adjust myself to the sudden speed change. I feel James relax into me as he evens out the power on the throttle. I look over my shoulder and see the moonlit blur of trees flicker alongside the narrow highway leading away from New York.

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