part 8.

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After that they two go to there own house. Y/n smiled happily while going to her house door. She opened the door. Then she saw a person sitting on the couch her smile dropped. She looked at her mother who is standing beside that person. Her mom signal y/n with her eyes to go to upstairs. Y/n slowly go to upstairs. But a voice stopped her.

.........: Stop there y/n.

Y/n stopped and closed her eyes and turned around.

Y/n: what is it Papa.
Mr.choi: where are you going.
Y/n: t-to room.
Mr.choi: really then am coming to, come.
Y/n: b-but....... 
Mr.choi: what come dear.

Then they two go to upstairs. Her mom is praying to nothing happen to y/n.

               *[Meanwhile in upstairs]

Mr.choi: y/n who is that man your hugged in park.
Y/n: j-just a f-friend p-papa.
Mr.choi: why are you shutters dear. I told you so many times I don't like lying. Lying people what deserve.
Y/n: Papa Papa am sorry Papa please don't lock me.
Mr.choi: your my sweet girl get inside of that room.
Y/n: pap..... 

Before y/n could finish mr.choi pushed her inside of that room. Y/n screamed from inside but no help.

             *[Somedays later]*.

Jungkook is worried because he don't saw y/n so many days. He is now sitting in the bench that have in the outside of the house. Then Taehyung come to jungkook and sit beside him and put his hand over jungkook shoulder.

Tae: what happened jungkook.
Jk: I don't saw y/n in so many days. IDK what happened to her.
...........: She get locked up.

         *[To be continued]*.

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