love at first sight/part 9. [last part ✓].

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They two looked back and saw mrs.jeon.

Jk: mom how did you know that.
Mrs.jeon: y/n mom called me and said their father is taking y/n with him to Dubai.
Jk: what!!
Mrs.jeon: yes, but jungkook she is your girl go and take her to here.
Jk: ok taehyung hyung take car.
Tae: ok.

They drove to airport. Meanwhile y/n and her father is now in airport. Mr.choi give y/n and his passport to security. Security give that passport back and give them permission to get inside. Y/n is looking back hoping jungkook will come but no use. You again start walking but suddenly.....

Jk: Y/N.......

Y/n turn around and saw jungkook. She was about to go to him but her father hold her hand.

Mr.choi: y/n come here.
Y/n: Papa please Papa jungkook.

Jungkook can't come inside because the security is blocking him.

Y/n: Papa please Papa.

She said that while her tears are flowing down like a river. She screamed at mr.lee.

Y/n: Papa please Papa let me go.

Mr.choi knowed that their love is strong. Y/n felt the gripp in her hand losing she looked back and saw Mr.choi taking his hand back.

Y/n: p-papa
Mr.choi: go to him.
Y/n: pa....
Mr.choi: go to him.
Y/n: thank you.
Mr.choi: it's alright.

Y/n smiled at her father and ran to jungkook and jumped into his body. She hugged him tightly he hug her back. He snuggles his head into her neck. They pulled out of the hug. He kissed her passionately she kissed him back. They pulled out of the kiss. Y/n look into jungkook eyes. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead and said.

Jk: I love you.
Y/n: I love you too.

Then they again hug eachother.


           *[To be continued]*.

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