Chapter 6

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Bruce was a friend of lisa , since her child hood. but bruce was missing for days. now lisa's head was dizzy. she can't concentrate for a one matter. But she can't stop thinking about her child hood friend , Bruce. Then she went to his house , to see whether he is in or not. but bruce or any other person was not seems to be there. the house was lifeless.

She called bruce many times but no any answer. she also called for his parents but not even a single feed back. she called her father and said that bruce is not in his house even no any single person , I called infinite times to him and his parents but no any answer. he is missing for days. her father was a police officer and head of a police station used called as OIC.

Without any late , a police team and checked the house. but no any clue. then her father got a call from a check point that they found a unknown family. then her father , Mr. Min ordered them to bring them to the police station. Then Mr. Min and her daughter lisa too went to the police station.

a man and women was there at the police station. they were like scared for something. they are the parents of bruce. lisa recognized that they are the parents of Bruce even Mr. Min. Bruce's mother started to cry and even His father. Them Mr. Min questioned him. ' It's a kidnap officer. my son was kidnapped last night. today morning we got a call from a old lady that our son is with her. if we inform the police , she will kill my son. she asked us a ransom of ten lacks. on this morning itself we were in the way to offer the money and take back our child. but she came all alone. my son was not there with her. she took the money and fooled. her car's shutter was open. so I switched on my phone and throw my phone inside the car. so officer can you hack the location as were is she now please. please help us. please find our son ' bruce's father begged Mr. Min.

Then Mr. Min's police team found the location of that women and she was near the seoul boundry from Daegu to escape seoul. Then that police team was successful to track her location. she had stopped on a service station. the police team Who were near to her went there to caught her. Some how it was fortunate of bruce's parents. cause bruce were there inside the vehicle of that lady.

that lady was such mysterious women. I mean a lady kidnaps children ? it's hard to believe on it. that was her secret. so no one would think that women is the kidnapper.

It's strange for lisa. she have many abilities on acting and have many experience on kidnapping. lisa said these to her father.

What's going on ?

Now what lisa gonna to do ? is this will be related to Taehyung and Seokjin ?

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