Chapter 11

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'Can't you call me as brother ?' I asked Taehyung directly. 'what ? why should I do that ?' he smiled at me. 'Is there need be a reason for you to call me as brother?' I was so sensitive. 'Are you alright ? why are you crying?' Taehyung swiftly asked me. I felt sad for my self. He didn't recognized me still. at last I said.

'I'm your twin brother Taehyung. I'm that seokjin. who were with you on good and bad. why can't you recognize me ? I'm really Sorry Taehyung I couldn't admit you that you are my twin. how could stay without me ? I hardly bare the aloneness without you..' when I was continuing he said ' I know. I know that you are my brother. I too suffered a lot. I was there behind you. but you didn't knew it'

I couldn't believe his words.

I had no words to say

I was delighted. finally I found my twin brother thanks to Lisa.

without her I wont be able to find my twin brother.

My sad days flew away and happiest century of my life started.

She was the girl of courage in my whole life.

So here the end of my sorrowful days.

The bond of two brothers cannot be similar for nothing...


Thank you for reading my story , hope you enjoy it ! ~~Leave me a vote and add a comment also ~~ XX ! Thank you again !

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