Chapter 7

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'Take her to the suspects' room' commenced Mr. Min. A police officer let that women sit down on chair. Mr. Min went inside the room to interview the culprit. she has to tell everything the truth cause if she not saying so she will be imprisoned up to her death. so she said the truth for the questions that Mr. Min asked from her. one of those questions were the names of the children who had been kidnapped up to now.

Lisa was too there listening for her from outside the room. She said all the names of the children and their residence. One of those Names were 'taehyung'...

Lisa shocked after hearing that. she asked her father to ask more about taehyung. Then She began 'He was only 10 years old when I kidnaped him. I didn't know that he is a twin. but I got to know it sooner from the place itself that I kidnap him. the beach. he was playing with his twin brother. they both were alike and I only kept eye on taehyung. once his twin brother called the other one as taehyung I got to know who is taehyung from those two. he ran towards me to grab the ball. I thought it's my chance it take him. so I closed his mouth threw the ball away which was on his hands. I carried him to my vehicle and I fainted him by a towel which applied fluids and kept on his nosetrills. I was on my way to home , but I saw a check point ahead. i thought of my safe so i uturned my vehicle and dropped the child on a door step of a big house. that's it i know'

Mr. Min was about explore by anger , he conceal it some how. by the way lisa ran to meet taehyung's mother. her suspicious was gonna be correct. she thought

'Hello ma'am ! i'm friend of taehyung. can i come in ?' she was infront of taehyung's house. for her luck taehyung was not at home that time. so it went easier for lisa. 'oh ! come in dear !' taehyung's mother invited her to come in.

lisa sat down on sofa. 'taehyung is not at home currently. but can you stay for few minutes. i'll call him to come soon' taehyung's mother said. 'no need ma'am. i came here to talk with you' lisa added

Talk what ?

Now what this lisa gonna do ?

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