18.) He Lives

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Trigger Warnings: Surprisingly.. none? Unless you count jealous Virge-


//Virgil's P.O.V//

I had stayed in Patton's room for quite some time, just holding my father figure close in a gentle hug, feeling so eternally guilty for everything that has been going on, with Roman, with Patton, and as much as I hate to say it.. even a little bit with Janus.. he did seem like he actually regretted the things he's said.. even if I can't entirely believe that..

I just want things to go back to way they used to be..

I let out a small sigh and shook my head slightly, knowing very well that there was an extremely slim chance of that ever happening any time soon, now moving to look down at Patton for a moment before slowly letting go of the hug and looking down at him with a slightly sorrowful expression

"I've gotta go check on Roman.. I'll try my best to be down for dinner, but I don't like leaving him alone for too long.."

I said quietly, watching as the other gently wiped his eyes before speaking.

"Can.. can I see him then..? I just... i want to be able see him and know that he's really ok... please"

He said with a tone that was hesitant and saddened, yet so very desperate for an answer. I could tell that he really needed the closure of seeing him and knowing that he was actually ok, or, at least alive. So I very hesitantly nodded.

"Yeah.. yeah you can.. but you have to be quick ok..?"

I said softly. Patton instantly nodded and I let out a little sigh as I turned to leave Patton's room, slowly making my way down the hall and over to Roman's, the shorter side fallowing eagerly behind me as I stopped at the door, pausing slightly before slowly opening it, looking inside for a moment before a relived sigh left my lips as I saw him still sleeping. He must have really exhausted himself with that panic attack... poor Princey.. I'll help you though this.. I promise..

I stepped into the room and slowly made my way over to the bed. I could hear a tiny gasp escape Patton as he came up beside me, looking down at the shattered boy with an expression of regret and relief. He slowly took a step forward and sat down on the edge of the bed, carefully brushing a hand through his hair as I took a couple steps back, earning a small scowl from me, not wanting Patton to touch him for some reason. But I pushed that down for how and just watched as the smaller side once again got close to tears as he looked down at Roman. It was almost hard to watch, knowing very well that Patton had added fuel to this fire towards the beginning and now he was finally seeing how that had effected the poor prince.. it was.. depressing honestly... I could only imagine the thoughts going through Patton's head knowing that he was partially to blame for Roman's isolating behavior.

"He.... He's ok.. good.. that's good.. I'm glad..."

Patton mumbled, his voice shaky and clearly close to tears, which was understandable to say the least, knowing just how long it had been since he'd been anywhere near the princely boy before him.

"Mhm.. ok is a bit of an overstatement.. but he's alive and breathing, so I guess that's progress.. but you've seen him and you know he's alive, so it's time to get out."

I said, sounding a bit stern towards the end, but I didn't want Patton in here any longer than he had to be, not wanting Roman to wake up and be stressed out seeing him in his room.

"But-.. just a little longer.? Please..?"

He pleaded, seeming a bit hurt at that, but I knew he couldn't stay, so I just shook my head.

"I'm sorry Pat, but you gotta.. I don't want him waking up with you in here, so you gotta leave.."

I said in a bit of a softer tone now. And yes, it was still a little harsh considering the circumstances, but I thought it was necessary. And I could see Patton wanted to keep arguing, but after a moment, he seemed to understand why he had to go, so just let out a defeated sigh and nodded.

"Ok kiddo.. I'll go... thank you for letting me see him.. I really needed that.."

He said softly with a light smile that I tried to return, but my own was weak, and tired, and didn't hold anywhere's near the amount of emotion Patton's did.

"Of course.. I hope this made ya feel a little better.."

I mumbled back with a soft hum before watching Patton lean down now to press a little kiss to Roman's temple, to which I instantly scowled at him as a wave of protectiveness and jealousy hit me. But I wasn't sure why. I just couldn't help but glare at him, not wanting Patton to touch him, or even get too close, so this was definitely overstepping it. But I didn't say that out loud and instead just let him have this moment before watching him stand back up and begin making his way back over to the door.

"Thank you again kiddo.. I'm gonna go get dinner started with Jan now... I'll come get you when it's ready.."

And with that, he turned and exited the room, closing the door behind him. And the first thing I did once he was gone was turn back to Roman, pulling my sleeve up over my hand and leaning down to rub his temple lightly where Patton had kissed him, trying to wipe away the kiss with a slight scowl, which earned a little grumble from the tanned boy, as he didn't seem to like me rubbing at his face, but I had to. I didn't want it there, I didn't like it, it didn't deserve to be there, Roman deserved better than a kiss from the guy who helped cause this, even if he meant well. So once I deemed it the be gone, I leaned down to kiss it instead. That step wasn't exactly necessary.. but I felt the need to do it either way, and so I did.

But now I just got back into bed with the other, turning back into my feline form and moving to cuddle up behind him with a small sigh, nuzzling into the back of his neck and just letting myself relax a bit, closing my eyes to escape the anxiety that had been tugging at me all day, just needing a moment of peace while I awaited dinner, and I was more than happy to spend said moment cuddled up with Roman while he slept seemingly peacefully for the time being.

Word count: 1141
Oh- Oh my god.. would you look at that! I'm not dead! Holy shit! I live!! Whooo!!! Sorry, I've had a lot going on and I forgot about this honestly.. but I'm not dead! So Thats good right? Now to disappear off the face of the earth again, peace out ya bums-

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