C10 {ᴍᴇᴇᴛ 11 ʙᴏʏᴢ}

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

-Authors POV-

You all finally sat down in the living room

Everyone are sitting on the big couch but since it didn't really fit them all some members are sitting on some chairs while you, you're sitting across them the table was at the middle so there are some distance of the 10 boys and you

"Okay lets start of by introducing ourselves" The elder said making eye contacts with everyone "Any... volunteer to be the first one to introduce theirseleves?" Sangyeon asked but no one replied "Alright, I'll go first then" Sangyeon took a deep sigh then look at you with a adorable smile but pretty much is serious

"Hello Y/N im sangyeon the oldest among all these 10 boys" Sangyeon introduced his self

"And also the leader" Half of the members said at the same time and earned a little smile from sangyeon

"Okay..." Sangyeon said

"What... can you do?..." You asked

"So glad you asked that!" Hyunjae said then stood up going to sangyeon "He can turn into a beast that can-"

"That he can kill the joy" A boy said playing at his phone without knowing sangyeon was already glaring at him

The boy who was playing ar his phone glances at the others cause he noticed it got quiet, Eric and the others are just laughing silently and sangyeon looked down clenching his fists

"Its fine"
"No its not"
"Yes it is"
"No its not"

"Yes. It. Is" The older glared at the boy while the boy had a mischievous smile

"Just shut up haknyeon" Sunwoo said and cover the boys mouth

"Whatever" Haknyeon pushed sunwoo away, rolling his eyes and continue playing with his phone

"So you can change into rare or unknown creatures?" You asked pointing at the older and he just nods as a answer

"Yes... i guess" Sangyeon said and you just nodded

"Cool" You said that catch everyones attention

"Cool? How?" Sunwoo asked

"What do you mean?" You asked

"How is that cool?" Sunwoo asked once again

"I mean its our power of course its cool~ but... To you?" Eric said with an uwu

"Uhm..." You gulped your own salayva "Its because i really feel like these magics or power things that belongs in the fantasy world is cool since i've been playing many games that are mostly connected with fantasies genre" You explained and everyone just wowed at your explanation and Nodded

"I see..." Sangyeon said nodding

"Wait- You play games?!" Eric exclaimed and stood up making the guys who sat next to him flinch

"Eric can you sush for a moment??" A pink haired guy said looking irrarted at the young man

"Sheesh whatever" Eric sat once again with a grumpy face

"Hi! Im Jacob ^^ Im the one who carried you here many days ago when you first came here" The man named jacob introduced his self to you

"Oh hi... Thank you for... Kidnapping me?" You said earning some chuckles to the guys which left jacob speechless

"u-uh..." Jacob said then got pat by younghoon

"Thats fine man" Younghoon said patting jacobs back

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