whats happening here?

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He slammed me into the wall. I didn't know what to expect next. His body pressed up against mine in the most scary but attractive way possibly known to man. But I couldn't be I just couldn't be attracted to him. He hovered above me like guilt you carry on a every day basis. I was scared and I didn't know what to expect.

He licked his lips and ran his index finger down my cheek running to my neck. How degrading I think to myself. He then takes his hand and tilts my face upward towards his. He leans in closely and I shut my eyes together tightly as possible. Oh no hes going to do it. He's going to kiss me. I don't want to but I'm in such shock I cant move I can't breathe. He's so close to me now I can feel his breathe on me. My hearts beating wildly as this moment continues to cause me anxiety. 

He whispers “come on, I promise it's not that bad”

For a retarded second I actually think about giving in and kissing this strange attractive stranger. In this dark room. But I won't give in. No matter how attractive he may be or how seductive his voice becomes I just can't. 

He says seductively “You know you just make it more fun for me when you struggle.”

I try and stay still but face it no one can just stop struggling I start stomping my feet on the ground. Like a child in place I'm angry at the world and myself for getting caught up in this situation. 

“all you have to do is stop fighting me, and ill make this easy on you. I promise, I'm a man of my word” he says as he slowly slips his hand under my tee shirt and rises it slowly up my sides. I'm cringing and we both know its not because his hands are cold. 

“come on angel, don't be like that.”

I open my eyes for some unknown reason and see his face next to mine. His gorgeous dark brown hair. His perfect body. And again that seductive voice is getting harder and harder to fight. Something in side of me is changing. 

“just give it a little try.”

he kisses me on my neck long slow and steady. Instead of feeling disgusted or repulsed or molested. I feel loved. I feel safe.

He pulls away from me we are no longer face to face nor chest to chest. As he is just about to let go and our finger tips our barely touching. I extend my arm out a little further and pull his hand yanking him towards me. His body right up against mines again as it were just seconds ago. We make eye contact once again. And I catch my breathe. He gives me a look that makes me, do something I'd never thought I would with a guy like him. Or a stranger like him for that matter. I take my arms and throw them around his neck and lean back against the wall. He seems happy intrigued if you will. Io kiss his soft lips. He takes his arms and wraps them around my waist. He pulls me closer and hold me tighter. As if he needed me to live.

I kiss him more passionately each time than the last. And truth be told I don't know if I'm all that good of a kisser. But in this moment it doesn't seem to matter. Every thing seems perfect. Everything about this kiss feel like magical. Like I'm in heaven. He lifts me off my feet. And I feel all the more loved. I wrap my legs around him and he carries me like I'm lighter than air itself. He gently places me on the bed. And he says while talking around our kiss “see...i told you... I'd make it... easy on you.”

I smile for a second and place my hand on his neck and stare deeply into his eyes “yeah, you did.”

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