Its a date then. . .with advice

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"why"he whined "I was so looking forward to staying in tonight" andsmiled seductively.

"yeahI know you where, but we have a date to go on" I responded.

Iroll over and begin to think to myself. I've never met his friendbefore. I wonder if there a like. I wonder if he's just as seductiveand cunning. Is he a kidnapper to? There's no way. Not everyone canbe a kidnapper now just because of this situation. But does hisfriend know he does this. His friend did seem to be looking for agood time. Well no point of laying here thinking about it,right?

Ipop up "what to wear?"

Hegoes "Is that what you where dazing off about?"

"wellit is something to think about. I have to look presentable?"

"youare a pet, or hostage as you like to call it. An since your my petyou will wear what I tell you to wear" he said strictly.

Hisvoice struck a cord with me. This what not a time for jokes. This wasnot a time to talk back to him. It was simply a time to do what I wastold. No questions asked. Living in a moment of fear all over again.Left to wonder what was happening again.

"youbetter behave while where out to dinner this time. No running off orsneaking away" he stated.

Iopened my mouth to speak.

Heshot me a glare "and don't speak unless spoken to."

Ithink I get it now. I've finally upset him. He's mad with me now.Great look what you did Maria. Now he's going to start treating youlike dirt. Or in his word a bet. Kiss that little bit of freedom youhad bye bye. I just screwed myself over 10 fold. It looks likethere's no making up for it either. Maybe, no there's nothing I cando. I look once more to see him in a mirror fixing his tie. I didn'trealize I had been sitting here so long that he had time to changeinto a suit. Maybe it's little things like that. I should payattention to, to not piss him off.

Helooked at me "Don't just sit there. Go put on some make up. Do yourhair."

"okay"I whispered.

Iwalked to the master bathroom with no knowledge of what I was wearingso I guess I should be doing a natural look. I sat down on a stool infront of the sink with the make up set out to the side. I grabbed abrush and started with my hair. I realize this is my first timeseeing myself in a mirror. This is what I looked like to otherpeople. Long red hair, soft green eyes,and pale pink lips. Not tomention a nice heart shaped face. I was very pretty I thought as Iapplied the liquid foundation.

"hurryup!" he yelled at me.

Ijumped. I quickly applied a soft gold barely noticeable eye shadow.And put in some random near by earrings. I once over myself. I hopethis was good enough. I didn't want anything to make him anymoreupset than he already was. I need to get back on his good side. Idon't like it when he treats me like a pet. I quickly walk back towhere he was. There he stood. Holding a dark champagne dress with twostraps on the right. A invisible zipper on the back. On the floorsome solid color shoes to match. It didn't matter how they looked.They would be covered up by the million dollar looking dress.

Iput the dress on and Jason zipped it for me.

"stopslouching, stand up straight he ordered" he ordered "you'll makeme look bad."

"sorry"I said genuinely.

Hegave me a diamond tennis bracelet.

Iwonder where were going that I had to be this dressed up. It must benice. What will the others be wearing? I feel so in the dark abouteverything. But I guess I wont know until I arrive at the frontdoors.

Jasonopened the door and guided me out of the apartment. We took aelevator downstairs. And a limo to the mystery place. I don'tremember the car or the ride there. But I do remember stepping outand seeing a gorgeous building named the House of Spades. There was awaiting line near by. Jason gracefully smiled. And took me arm inarm and dragged me in. Happy I didn't stubble or fall because, wellthat probably would've been more pet treatment later.

Goodbyeflashing cameras and crowd. Hello piano music and fancy host. But forsome odd reason we walked pass him too. I guess there was no need forintroductions. He knew who we where. Jason and Daniel. Or one of thetwo must be very important. Cause he sure walked in here like wewhere A-Lister's. Maybe he was. I just didn't know it. You know howcelebrities always get away with crimes. Who would've guess one waskidnapping.

Hegreeted Daniel. Who introduced me to Lila. We simply shook hands andsmiled.

"pleasehave a seat" said Daniel.

Jasonpulled a seat out for me like a gentlemen. I swear when we walkedthrough those doors. We where in a parallel universe. I never knewone could change so quickly. A waiter came, and Daniel ordered forthe table. 2 foods I cant pronounce for the men and 2 salads for thelovely ladies. The orders came back like the waiters life andreputation depended on it.

"SoJason" he said enthusiastically "how ya been."

"I'vebeen good. I see your not doing bad yourself."

"yeahafter I got this beauty here. I realized I didn't need to keepchasing after girls like the child I was. The only one I needed washer."

"Danielyour a lucky man. Lila you, are a lucky and beautiful woman."

Ifelt like I was in one of those old TV shows. Seriously who talkslike this. Since when did everyone speak so proper. That it not howDaniel sounded over the phone. When Lila blushed I felt even more outof the loop. I feel like there talking in Morse code or something.What kinda game is this?

Danielleaned in and said "I think it's time for me and you to talkbusiness."

"iagree. Why don't you ladies go dance or buy drinks at the bar?"

"id-" Jason squeezed my leg hard " love that" I said with a smile"come on Lila lets go".

Weboth stood up and headed over to the bar together. When we where outof ear shot. We started talking about the guys we where so in lovewith.

Lilabegan " So your new to the game I see."

Iresponded "what game?"

"honey,no need to play dumb with me."

Iasked "i'm not sure what were talking about it."

shecontinued "i know he kidnapped you. And I'm sure he has you wrappedaround his finger. Am I right? Don't answer I know I'm right."

Iquestioned "so what's Daniel like when you do something right orwrong."

sheanswered "probably a lot worst then Jason. If I do somethingwithout Danny's permission. I swear he'll literally kill me. He'sslapped me, kicked me, at times even bruised me and tug my hair. He'sa monster. But I deserve it. Because this is my life now. I acceptit. I play by his rules. I mean of course in the beginning he justtried earning my trust being gentle and loving. But boy I tell youthat was a foolish mistake."

"Jason'snever pulled my hair or anything. But he's never hesitated to slapme" I lied "he's still a monster in the end though. I don't thinkI could ever accept this as my life."

shesipped champagne "whether you accept it or not. This is it. I'vebeen in this game for 3 long years. My advice to you is. Learn theropes. And learn them fast."

"anyadvice for when he gets pissed at me. You know a way to quickly fixit so he doesn't beat me."

"ofcourse" she said shocked as if it couldn't be clearer.

"whatis it?"

"sex,foreplay. You know. Wow you really are a newbie" she said dabbingher mouth with a napkin. That's what this whole thing really is. Asex game for there entertainment and bragging."

"buthow do you just make it happen."

"wellif u don't make it happen it's a slap to the face. Is that not enoughmotivation. If it's not you better figure it out."

Afterthat the men called us back and we all headed home. 

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