Chapter 6 - Visions

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I was cold. I was shaken.

"Hey! How'd it go?"

I smiled. At least I wasn't alone.

"Horrendously." I responded, still smiling.

"Wow, you are not good at convincing people."

I laughed and fake-punched him. Victim grinned back.

"So why did it go so badly?"

I sighed, but there was no reason to withhold the information from him. "I just... couldn't, y'know? It would be such a huge decision, and he's just a kid, I just didn't want to put all that... all that weight on him."

"You're going to have to eventually, you know that, right?" he asked. I chuckled lightly. Here he was, being logical while I was being impulsive. How the turns tabled.

"Yeah. Just.. not now."

"You know, for what you said before, you really aren't prioritizing escape that much." he pointed out, rightly of course.

I smiled and said, "Well, maybe there are some more important things.". He blushed. (Well, not really. Ghosts don't have blood, so obviously they have nothing to rush to their cheeks and turn them red, so that raises some questions as to if he even is a ghost and... y'know what, yeah. He blushed. Let's stick with that.)

"Aww. But the author promised there'd be no shipping, remember?" he reminded me.

"Oh shoot, you're right! We're just friends, then?"

"Yeah. Just friends." he agreed.

"So, how did... wait- what in the name of-!?" I cried out.

The void was dissolving once again, but, judging by Victim's expression, it was becoming a desktop neither of us recognised.

There was one more problem. The vision was in first person.

I paced up and down the pixelated wooden planks that made up the floor of my house, each step creaking a bit too loudly for my liking. I shot a glance out of the small windows on my door, skimming over the desktop icons until I landed on the time, displayed in the far right corner of the screen.

4:56 AM.

I had been up all night. Worse yet, the others would be waking in a few hours, and I still had no clue what to do.

If I should tell them.

One side of me screamed; "Tell them what, that their murderer, seven-year tyrant over the ENTIRE INTERNET, came to visit you?! Are you out of your MIND?! Do you WANT them to watch over you like you're suddenly going to grow a second head?!"

The other side insisted; "What are they to you, strangers?! You've done everything with them! Keeping something this big from them is an act of betrayal! They need to know this! And that includes the Animator!"

I just needed sleep.

Both sides yelled in unison; "SLEEP?! YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO SLEEP!"

Well, at least they agreed on something.

I may have faked a debate with myself but deep down, I knew I'd have to tell them.

I sighed, and, laying down on my painfully small bed, got the few hours of sleep I had left before morning.

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