The Meeting

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Spare Me Alpha but I Want Your Beta

Chapter 1- The Meeting

Alexa's POV

I dreaded waking up in these nasty motels from hell it couldn't be more of a reminder of what an awful sister I was. What was I thinking? raising a sixteen year old in this shithole this was what we called home. Thankfully, I was able to graduate high school and find work to save money to stay here, and to have food and clothes on our back. The new school year was starting and I had to enroll Dahlia for school and hopefully find a new job, one that made enough for us to get an apartment. The little money I had left in the bank, and of what my mom left to me was not going to be enough much longer. Especially with a teenage girl that thinks money falls of trees. I threw my pillow across the room to wake my lovely little sister from her beauty sleep.

"C'mon princess! Time to get up and rolling it's the first day of school." I yelled.

"Alexa, please don't make me go! ... my stomach has been in knots all night! I feel like I'm going to walk straight into the lion's den. I thought I was your favorite sister?" She whined as she sat up on her twin bed across from mines. I looked at my sister's puppy dog face, wincing because I knew it was going to be scary for her-- being in a town full of packed wolves, and going to their high school was not going to be easy, but i was necessary. Living as rogue wasn't working. I had to make some changes not just for me, but for Dahlia as well. I wish I could hide her from the world but when my parents died, I promised my mother I would raise Lia to be a strong willed women, and to be who she was meant to be. "Lia I'm going to try and talk to the head alpha today to inform him again about you starting school." I cupped her face in my hands. She had grown so much these last few years, she was a beautiful young lady with hair long golden brown cascading like waves down her back just like mom. Her naturally tan skin, and big gorgeous hazel green eyes from my dad. We had a lot of similarities, but the only difference were my eyes. I got them from my mother-- green with specks of gold, long raven colored hair down to my waist, and I was a splitting image of my father with olive color skin, full lips with lovey dimples that my mother would drool over every time he would crack a smile. I was half Spanish and Italian, I was four years older than Dahlia, she sixteen and I was twenty.

"I know this will be hard for you going into high school without knowing anyone I get it. You'll make friends fast, Lia. You're a good person with a big heart and if people can't see that, then that's their loss," I said giving her a kiss on the forehead. She shook her head with anger looking at me.

"We're considered rogues here according to the Crescent Falls law. They're not going to welcome me with open arms! You're making me walk into a death trap!" She cried.

"Don't say that, Dahlia! I have already spoken to Alpha on the phone he is willing to consider our request at living here, he knows we come to do no harm are situation is different than most rogues. He agreed to let you go to school without any issues. He wants to meet with m face to face to ensure that I am not a threat to their pack or a spy. I don't want you to have to grow up running from place to place it was fun for awhile, but you need stability. Think about when you go through your first shift? I want you to be able to be around our kind-- that's how it's supposed to be, and you can go to college and not have to keep worrying of what's out there you'll be safer within a pack, as will I. Just trust me."

She just sat there for a moment, thinking or fighting with the idea. Sighing, I left her to her thoughts, and grabbed my stuff and headed to take a shower. I never would purposely put her in any danger. I would kill myself before anything happened to her. Once I showered, I found her dressed and ready, with guilt in her eyes, she sprang up from my bed.

"Alexa, I am sorry," she cried while giving me a bone crushing hug. I wrapped my arms around her, just feeling her warmth. Moments like these I missed my mother, and I hoped that was doing the right thing.

Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)Where stories live. Discover now