Moving In & Moving On

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Chapter 13

Alexa's POV

        After explaining things to Nate, I felt drained. How bizarre; he had to walk in at the exact moment when I’d said ‘Love you’ to Jonah. That boy always brought me drama, even being miles away. I walked over to the table and saw four meals of Chinese takeout that Nate had brought for us, and rolled my eyes. What had he been thinking?! I couldn’t eat all this even with Lia's help. I grabbed the sesame chicken dinner, shaking my head, and poured myself a glass of water. Then I sat down and tried to process what just happened. I am falling for you, Alexa! That was what he’d said. Those were his exact words. They replayed in my head over and over again, driving me crazy.

        He was falling for me… and what about me? Did I have feelings for him, too? Yes, he made me feel things that I never thought I would fall for anyone. He made me laugh, smile, heart skipped a beat whenever I saw him. I missed him when he was gone, missed his strong masculine scent that enveloped me with security and promise. Were these things an indication that I was in love with him? I didn’t know. I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face. What to do? Did he want me to say it back? So many unanswered questions were running through my mind.

       I looked around, willing to distract myself, and felt satisfied. Everything was ready—I’d packed all our stuff, and now we just had to move in with Nate. And in less the forty eight hours, Dahlia and I were going to be a part of the Crescent Falls Pack. Frankly, the thought alone was sending my stomach into jitters. I was about to head for the showers, when I heard the loudest piercing scream echo. It was like someone had sucked all the air out of me. I stumbled over, grabbing hold of the walls. What the hell was that? 'It's Dahlia, she's in trouble,' my wolf didn't need to finish the thought, because I was out the door by then. In a matter of seconds, I was on all fours. I ran as fast as I could. I didn't know how far she was. I only knew that she’d said she was going for a walk, but why the hell did she have to go into the woods?

         The screaming was getting closer. I stopped when I found Dahlia hunched forward on her hands and knees. I came close to her, nudging her with my nose. She was shifting into her wolf. I tried to mind link her since her wolf was close.

         'Dahlia, baby, can you hear me?' I waited. I knew how the first shift felt—I was almost torn, because I could do nothing to help my sister.

        'Ahh, Lex, it hurts. It hurts so badly. Make it stop, please, make it stop,' she whimpered. I nuzzled close to her. She needed Mason, but I had no way of contacting him. My phone was back at the house. Maybe I could get her to call out to him.

        "Ahhhh! Fuckin’ bitch, this hurts like hell!" she hissed through gritted teeth.

        'Lia, I know it hurts, love, but I need you to try to call out to Mason. He'll know how to find you. You need your mate.'

        Hearing a twig snap, I quickly got into protective mode. I looked around, but only saw a deer. I growled to scare it away. Before I could finish, I felt large canines clamp down around my neck, and then I was being thrown across the trees. I whimpered; it hurt like hell. I got up as quickly as I could, and stumbled towards my attacker. I found him hovering over Lia and howling lowly. This must be Mason in wolf form, a large auburn brown wolf. That little bastard just bit me. I stepped closer, and he growled. I stood a couple feet away even though I wasn't a threat to her. As her mate, he didn't care; he wanted no one near her, but I couldn’t find it in me to leave my sister.

       Feeling a little woozy, I stood tall in front of Mason, bowing my head to show I was not a threat, but I wasn't leaving.

       From the corner of my eyes, I saw a massive dark brown wolf appear. He stood rooted in place, looking at me intently. He slowly made his way towards me. When his scent hit me, I looked directly at him. He nodded to show that he was no harm. I knew it was Nate. I looked back at Mason, who was ready to attack us both. He was in protective mode-- he didn't care who anyone was.

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