Deep Breath Alpha Nicholas's POV

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Okay so this is Deep Breath in Nick's POV it doesn't go beyond the ending of last chapter I just wanted you to know Nick's reaction to finding his mate. Thanks so much guys this ones for you. Xo

Alpha Nicholas's POV

I got myself together and my way down to the ballroom although I felt a little off, I was greeted by my fellow pack members. I smiled and nodded.

"Hello Alpha!"

"Hey Alpha Nicholas welcome back!" I keep walking towards my mate. I stumbled across a group of high school girls. "Hi Alpha were glad your back, you were truly missed." One of the blondes said more liked purred. I shook my head, where are their parents?

"My mate and I are glad to be back, girls if you'll excuse me." I said walking around them. It seems the pledge went well, everyone seemed to be getting along.

I made my way on to the stage as my mother called for everyone’s attention. Hannah smiled from ear to ear. She was so happy and I was too. Everything I ever wanted was right in my grasp. I would never let something so great be lost. I grabbed her hand and walked to the front of the stage and grabbed the mic.

“You ready?” I whispered to her she nodded happily.

"Wait let me link Nate I want him up here." She nodded he was like my brother. I needed him by my side. 'Nate man I need my brother up here with me to share the news.' I smiled to myself finally everything is falling into place. 'Of course man I'm on my way.'

Once Nate was beside me I wrapped my arm around Hannah kissing her head. "This is it man, you ready?" Nate asked I nodded. "Yeah this the beginning of great things for my family." I said looking at my pack.

"Gather around everyone, as you know me and Hannah have been trying to grow our family. The moon goddess above have blessed us." I said as smiled formed on my fellow pack members. I smiled looking at everyone in the crowd. Everyone wanting to know the big news.

"Hannah and I are happy to announce we are having a ba... " I froze as my gaze landed on the most beautiful brunette I have ever seen. My wolf sadly howling.


At that moment all that was in the room was me and my 'mate' I couldn't look away, until I felt someone tugging on my arm.

"Nicky! What's wrong? Are you getting sick again?" Hannah said looking me over making sure I was okay. That's when everything came back and reality hit. I cleared my throat. I force the words out of my mouth. The whole time my wolf forcing me to look directly at her.

"We're having a baby." I said nervously. The pack broke out in chows and applauses. I was being hugged by different people. I lost sight of her. I searched the crowd for her my eyes focused in on those pricing green eyes I caught them for a second, and she took off.

"Congrats man!" Nate said giving me a hug. "Who was that girl in the black dress next to Christine?" I asked him. "That my brother is my lady and our new pack member Alexa Rose." He said with a smile I had to hold back a growl from escaping my lips.

"So that's the girl that's got you changing your ways?" I said as nonchalant as I could. "Yeah man that's my girl and I love her man." I nodded. "Let me go find her, I'll talk to you later Nick."

I watched as he walked off to our group friends. I used wolf hearing to focus in on them. "Where'd she go?" Nate asked. "Nate she needed some air all this was very overwhelming for her. She said she'll come find you." Christine told him. I turned to go in search of her when I bumped into Hannah who was looking at me with concern.

"Nicky, what's wrong baby ever since we came back you've been on edge and I’m starting to worried." I smiled down at her this women in front of me was my first love my mate. I was going to find Alexa and explain. "I’m fine I’m going to take a walk I just need some air." I said placing a kiss on her lips. "Do you want me to come with you baby?"

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