Chapter 2: Desperate

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Happy POV

It has been 3 months now since Lisanna and Natsu began dating. I haven’t really been hanging out with Lucy lately not to my liking. Lisanna has been insisting to do things with me. She sees herself as my mom like when we were little. Natsu and Lucy grew distant from each other. We don’t hang out with her anymore and it pains me. Natsu also doesn’t look the same but he’s too dense to realize it. Now I’m walking with Natsu to the guild. Well I’m flying. We just finished a job. Lucy hasn’t been with us on jobs lately too. I miss her complaining about everything and when we played pranks on her. When Natsu opened the guild doors Lisanna came up to us.

‘Natsu how went the mission?’ She asked worried.

‘It went good Lisanna it was pretty easy.’ Lisanna than spotted me before I could fly over to Lucy.

‘Happy! I missed you.’ She said and hugged me to death. One day I’ll die from her hugs. I managed to escape and I went to Lucy who was sitting at a table with Levy, Mira, Erza, Juvia, Wendy, Charles and Gray.

‘Lushee! I’m back.’ I exclaimed before I crashed into her to hug her.

‘Hey Happy how was the mission?’ She smiled at me.

‘Really good Lushee but it would have been more fun if you would have come too.’ I pouted.

‘Maybe another time Happy. You want some fish?’ She gave me some fish.

‘FISHHHHH!’ I love fish. I began to eat it. But Lucy suddenly gave me two kiwis.

‘Uhm, Lushee for who are the kiwis?’

‘Happy I need you to give these to Levy when she comes back from the bathroom okay? I’m going home.’

‘Aye sir!’ she patted my head before she headed out and said goodbye to everybody. I finished my fish. I want more fish. I’m so hungry. I have to stop talking like that to myself.

‘Mira do you have some fish in the kitchen?’ Mira looked up to me and smiled.

‘Sure Happy they’re in your special fish fridge.’ I was going to go for my fish but Lisanna stopped me.

‘I have some fish for you Happy.’ She let me see the fish.

‘No thanks, I’ll go for Mira’s fish.’

‘But I have fish here so you don’t have to move.’

‘No thanks I like Mira’s fish a lot they’re my favorites!’ I said happy. It’s true Mira’s fish are the best.

‘But Lucy gave you also fish!?’ Oh shit.

‘Well Lucy’s fish tastes a lot like Mira’s fish.’ Before she could say anything more I got up and went to get my fish. When I got back Lisanna was sitting with a sad look on her face and everyone was trying to cheer her up. When I sat down again I was blown away with questions.

‘Happy do you hate Lisanna?’

‘Happy is it true that you don’t like Lisanna?’

And more of those questions. Geez people today are annoying.

‘Lisanna I don’t hate you so stop sulking about it.’ Lisanna lighted up a bit but I didn’t really care at the moment. Levy was sitting at the table again and I promised Lucy to give her the kiwis. If you want to know where for Gajeel and Levy started dating a month ago and Lucy thought it would be good if she and Lily had a good bond with each other. Lily loves kiwis how I love fish so we hope it works. But I know Lily likes Levy already so I’m sure everything will go fine.

‘Levy Lushee asked me to give these to you.’ I gave her the kiwis. She looked nervous at first but in the end there was confidence in her eyes. She really wants to have a good bond with Lily.

‘Thanks Happy.’ With that she walked towards Lily.

Levy POV

I made my way towards Lily. I hope this ends well. I’m dating Gajeel now and I want to have a good bond with Lily because he’s his exceed. I don’t want them to fight because of me. I slowly sat down beside Lily. Here goes nothing.

‘Hey Lily can we talk?’

‘Sure Levy is something wrong?’

‘No nothing is wrong Lily it’s just that you know I and Gajeel have been dating for a month now and I thought it would be good for us to learn more about each other.’

‘You know Levy you don’t have to worry it’s not like I hate you.’ He looked up to me and I could tell he really meant it ‘Besides I really like to see you and Gajeel together.’

‘Really that’s a relief. You want some kiwi Lily?’ I gave him the kiwi.

‘Thanks Levy.’

‘You want to know something it was actually Lu-chan that gave me the courage to talk with you more, she said it was important to have a good relationship with you but I had never really the courage to talk to you.’

‘I know Levy, I had the same problem but were now family after all.’ He smiled at me and I hugged him.

‘I just wish we could help Happy and Lu-chan.’ My voice saddened. I really wanted to help Lu-chan.

‘You know about it to.’ I nodded. I decided to tell him the story.

‘It was the day that Lisanna and Natsu started dating. Lucy went home and Happy felt terrible. He came to my house at night because he didn’t were else to go. He told me about how he wanted Lucy to be his mom etc. He cried for about 3 hours until he calmed down. He was so sad. I really had a hard time to not cry myself. After another hour he went home again.’

‘I see that’s what happened I knew that he wanted Lucy as his mom but this is so emotional it even touched me.’ Lily exclaimed. When I and Lily were going to go to the other we saw Wendy crying and hugging Happy. Oh shit.

Wendy POV

I couldn’t bare it anymore. Happy is so strong. I know eavesdropping is bad and such but I couldn’t help it. Before I even knew it I was hugging Happy and crying my eyes out.

Happy POV

Wendy suddenly hugged me and began to cry. I’m really confused right now. Everyone at the table is. Natsu went suddenly pale and Gajeel and Laxus were holding back tears. What is going on here. When I looked around I saw Levy walking towards us but she didn’t look at me. Then it hit me. Only the dragon slayers were acting strange. I can’t believe it she did that. I managed to free myself from Wendy’s hug and making my way to Levy.

‘LEVY!’ Levy looked really scared now.

‘H-happy what’s wrong?’ she sounded guilty.

‘YOU TOLD HIM THE STORY DIDN’T YOU THAT WAS SUPOSSED TO BE A SECRET LEVY!’ I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

‘Happy I’m really sorry.’

‘THAT ISN’T THE PROBLEM LEVY! LILY ALREADY KNEW THAT BUT YOU TELL HIM IN THE GUILD WERE THERE ARE 4 DRAGON SLAYERS! ARE YOU NUTS!? HOW DO YOU THINK I CAN FACE HIM NOW!? That was it. I couldn’t bare it anymore. I was running toward the door until Natsu stopped me.

‘Happy you can’t go out there it’s raining too hard.’ He really looked worried but I didn’t care at the moment. I wanted the world to swallow me.

‘I don’t care I’ll find shelter.’ With that said I flied to the only person I knew that could comfort me now. I was going to Lucy’s place. 


Hey minna,

Here's chapter 2. I hope you all liked it. Will it be awkward for Happy and Natsu now? Will Happy forgive Levy? Will Lisanna know about what Levy said? Next chapter: Going on a mission.

Until next time^-^


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