Chapter 8: Happy's happy family

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Hey Minna,

Here's as promised an extra long chapter because it took me so long to update. I hope you'll like it^~^.



Natsu POV

'You really are an idiot aren't you?' she said smiling.

The guild looked at the celestial beauty in shock. One was shocked the most and that someone was me. Oh god why didn't I smell her scent earlier!? Mavis please tell me she didn't hear that. I looked back at Lucy who was still smiling at me not even surprised at the guild reaction. 

'H-hey L-Luce h-how y-y-you d-doing?' I hope she didn't notice my nervousness. She just smiled even more.

'I'm doing fine Natsu thanks for asking.' She said never stopping with giving me her beautiful smile that I adored.

'T-that's g-good L-Luce but eh h-how l-long have you um b-been h-here?' 

'A half an hour maybe.' she responded casual. I began walking slowly backwards. I knew she heard it. She heard everything. I swear I'm dying inside. I was slowly getting to the guild doors. Just a few more steps...a few more steps...just a little closer....and...

'Natsu you aren't planning on running away from me right?' Shit I was caught. Think fast I got to get out of here.

'N-no.' she sighed.

'Shouldn't I be the one telling you I don't deserve you?' Her question shocked me. How could she possible think like that? I looked at her to see if she was joking. But she wasn't her expression was sincere but if you looked good it also showed sadness.

'Luce what are you talking about?' I didn't know why she would say that. Didn't she just hear my speech. She's perfect in every way. Why wouldn't she deserve me? Wait does this mean Lucy likes me back!? Guess I'll never know.

'Well it's quit obvious don't you think? Natsu I'm not perfect. I'm not even near perfect in fact there are a lot of things wrong with me and you know it. My magic isn't that great and I'm not that strong. Remember I'm always the one that get's the whole guild including you in trouble. In every way you look at it I never really help any of you guys out on missions and I'm the one that most of the time gets captured. BUT that's not your fault. You shouldn't blame yourself because I can't protect myself enough. So if someone doesn't deserve somebody it should be me because I don't deserve a friend like you Natsu.'

'L-Luce-' she cut me off before I could finish.

'I'm not done yet. I don't deserve you because you deserve much better. Natsu you're an amazing person. Yes it's true you're most of the time a complete idiot. You can be more childish than a four year old child and you're dense. But you know what you also are? You're one of the most caring persons I've ever met. You'll do everything to protect that what's important to you like for example the guild. It's true that your magic burns things off so what? That's your magic and you can't do nothing about it besides do you know how much goods your magic does? Fire isn't only a element of destruction Natsu. Fire is also an element that resembles live. Fire gives us warmth without that we would be dead right now. In other words Natsu you give us warmth, you give me warmth. Your fire magic saved me countless of times. Without you or your magic I would have been dead by now. 'That's the reason why I don't deserve a person as perfect as you.'

The guild was staring at Lucy. Her speech was so touching. But a lot of members, including me, were shocked to hear she thought like that about herself. Some of the guild members were already crying their eyes out. I stood there with wide open eyes staring at her. Our eyes never lost contact. I couldn't speak. The words didn't want to come out of my mouth. I couldn't believe she thought like that about herself. The flashback of the other night in her apartment was repeating itself again in my head. It was just like last time. She shouldn't been thinking that bad about herself after all she was a mage of Fairy Tail, she was Lucy. My Luce. There still was a dead silence in the guild hall excluding the sobs of some members. The tension grew. Lucy was still staring at me and I was still staring at her. Finally I got the courage to speak up. My bangs were covering my eyes now.

'That's maybe true Lucy but not everything is your fault neither and nothing that you say will change my mind about the fact that you're perfect in my eyes.' While I said that I was walking towards Lucy. I hugged her tightly like it was the last time. Lucy had fallen to her knees so we were now hugging each other on the ground. Lucy had buried her face in my scarf. I could feel tears falling from her eyes into my shirt. I didn't care much about it. I let her cry her eyes out until she finally calmed down. I guess she felt good after letting her emotions get out of her. I couldn't resist myself anymore from kissing her. I gently pulled her chin up so she would face me. I leaned closer to her until our lips met each other. The kiss didn't last really long but it was full passion and love. Lucy's arms made their way around my neck. My hands were around her waist. When we pulled back we were both blushing and out of breath.

'I love you Luce.' 

'I love you too Natsu.' 

We both smiled at each other. A loud roar of happiness was heard from the guild. I guess I forgot we were in the guild now I feel embarrassed. But it didn't matter now. I got Lucy by my side and that's everything what I needed to be happy. Happy came running over us. He was jumping of happiness. 

'Lushee does that mean you'll be my mom!?' He asked excited to hear the answer from Lucy. Lucy looked at me and I nodded.

'I would love to be your mom Happy.' she answered the blue cat. Happy lunged himself forward towards Lucy and hugger her tightly. He then looked up at the two of us.

'I guess I finally got my happy family.' He smiled. Lucy and I looked at each other and then at Happy.

'Aye sir!'


That was chapter 8! I hope you liked it^-^. Happy finally got his happy family together. This was the end people I hope you all enjoyed the book because I sure did and I thank you all my lovely readers because without you I would never have come so far.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima does! I only own the plot.

Until next time^~^,


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