Chapter 4: Discovering lies

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Lisanna POV

Something is off. People are giving me sad stares and others angry stares. What’s going on here? Then Happy didn’t want me to go with him again. I don’t get why he doesn’t like spending time with me what did I do wrong? I will have to ask it to the person he loves the most: Natsu. Who if you ask me isn’t as lively anymore as he used to be. Lucy is also acting weird. I will get my answers from Natsu. I’m determined.

Natsu POV

I’m bored to dead. Happy isn’t here so he can’t give me company and me and Lucy aren’t talking lately. I know it’s my fault we don’t talk. I can’t do nothing about it know can I? And then we have the incident with Happy yesterday. I’m not mad at Happy but I’m afraid his dream isn’t coming true. Lucy and I aren’t going to date. But that’s not my problem right now. If Lisanna finds out about this she will be broken. I can’t let that happen. Good that Mira, Levy, Wendy and Erza are on a mission with Lucy and the exceeds now nobody can speak about it. I see Lisanna walking towards me. Act cool Natsu you can do this.

‘Hey Natsu is something wrong?’

‘Why would there be something wrong Lisanna?’ I gave her the I-don’t-know-where-you’re-talking-about look.

‘Natsu the two of us know there’s something going on I have been getting stares from guild members all day long.’ She was not looking to happy.

‘Lisanna swear there’s nothing wrong.’ I said as innocent as possible.

‘And what about yesterday? Why was Happy crying? Why was Wendy crying? What secret told Levy to Lily? Why was Happy so upset?’ Oh shit what do I do I’m freaking out right now.


‘NATSU DRAGNEEL ANSWER ME!’ now she is angry. The guild was now staring at us.

‘Look Lisanna I really don’t know.’ I said again but now she began to cry. Oh shit.

‘Why Natsu? Is it because you don’t trust me?’

‘What, no that’s not it!’

‘Than what is it Natsu!? Tell me.’

‘Why are you so scared to tell her Natsu-san. Scared to break her little heart?’ Juvia suddenly said. (Sorry if Juvia comes over as a bitch I didn’t mean that she is just a great Nalu shipper in this story and also cares about Lisanna that’s why she wants Natsu to tell Lisanna the truth.) I glared at her but she just glared back.

‘She has the right to know everybody in the guild knows about it.’

‘What is she talking about Natsu?’ Lisanna asked again. Stupid Juvia.

‘Fine but that you know that it will hurt your feelings.’ Lisanna just nodded.

‘Happy told Levy about him wanting Lucy as his mom but then we got together and Happy refuses to think of you as his mom and is determined to make Lucy his mom.’ I told everything as short and quick as I could. Lisanna’s eyes widened and tears were coming down. I hugged her and tried to comfort her but she didn’t stop crying. What am I going to do now? The guild doors flew open revealing 7 people. Not a good timing.

Mira POV

We came back from our mission really fast because it only took us 6 minutes to bring the monster down. When we opened the guild doors the first thing I saw was a crying Lisanna hugging Natsu who was trying to comfort her.

‘What happened here?’ Juvia was the one that responded.

‘Lisanna now knows about what happened yesterday.’

‘Who told her!?’ Happy and I screamed at the same time.

‘Natsu-san told her but we made him do it she has the right to know.’ Juvia again answered like the other guild members didn’t know how to speak anymore. There was an unconfutable silence until Lucy decided to speak.

‘U-um can someone please tell me what happened I have no idea what’s going on here.’ She looked really confused. I should tell her.

‘You see Lucy yesterday when you left Levy told Lily about Happy wanting you as his M-.’

‘There is absolutely nothing that happened Lucy.’ Happy said really serious. I never saw him like this before.  

‘Why Happy? What don’t I have that she has?’ Lisanna said wiping away the tears from her face.

‘I simply don’t know where you’re talking about.’ Happy said with a really low voice.

‘Don’t lie to me Happy! I know that you don’t want to see me as your mom. I know you don’t want me to be in a relation with Natsu I just want to know why? What does she have that I don’t?’ I looked over at Lucy who was still standing beside me with the most confused face ever. Geez she’s slow. I know I should support my sister but I’m a Nalu shipper I can’t change that. But I feel sad for her.

‘TELL ME HAPPY!?’ Lisanna was now also serious but you could see that she was fighting the tears.

‘That’s none of your business Lisanna.’ Happy spoke again.

‘Yes it is, now tell me please!’ Lisanna begged.

‘FINE YOU WANT TO KNOW LISANNA!? Happy looked her dead in the eye.

‘You know why? Because your relationship with Natsu is killing my two favorite people, that’s why.’ Lisanna stood there confused. Well everybody was.

‘Wait how am I killing two people?’ Happy rolled his eyes in irritation.

‘You’re killing Natsu.’ Lisanna eyes widened.

‘What how can I have been killing him you don’t make sense Happy.’

‘Yes it does. Have you seen Natsu as lively as he used to be lately? Have you notice his flames aren’t as hot as they used to be? Have you noticed he hasn’t been sleeping well lately? HAVE YOU!?’ Now the guild was shocked.

‘What are you talking about Happy?’ Lucy asked brave for the entire guild.

‘You haven’t been sleeping well either have you Lucy? You look tired and you don’t smile anymore at least not as much as you used to. You aren’t hyper anymore are you?’ Happy told without a single emotion on his face. Lucy stood there shocked. Not able to say anything.

‘Happy tell her.’ I said hoping Happy would have the courage to tell her. Happy just looked at me. About 5 minutes passed until he responded.



Hey minna,

Here's chapter 4. Did you like it? How will Lucy take the news? Will Happy's dream finally come true? Will Natsu realize his feeling? Next Chapter 5: Telling her.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima does! I only own the plot.

Until next time^-^,


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