Chapter 6

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It's about 2 am now and Nene just cant get back to sleep.

Every time her mind wanders elsewhere she can't help but think about him. She's tried everything!! Listening to relaxing music, counting sheep...but nothing seems to work at the moment.

She starts to think that maybe it's her guilty conscious catching up to her or something.

On the nightside table beside the bed, her phone vibrates, gently shaking the table. She picks up her phone with frail, tired fingers and the girl hopes that whoever is calling at this time better have a legitimate reason.

She glances up at the screen and is surprised to see Amane's name. Nene stares at her phone for a bit before hesitantly answering the call.

"Hello?" She speaks.
Other than a short breath there's silence and the call ends suddenly.

Why would he call her only to randomly hang up? Is he ok? The letter hadn't mentioned anything about his death happening tonight-

Throwing a heavy coat over her nightgown, Nene heads out of her room and hurries out of the house, careful not to be too loud.

She turns on her phone flashlight and runs towards the one place she knows he'll be.

'Please be ok...'


Upon arriving at the woods, completely out of breath Nene calls out the boys name.
"Amane! Amane?!" She yells and lets out a sigh of relief after spotting him sitting on one of the old tree's.

He's still wearing the same clothes from the party and is looking up at the stars in the night sky.

After hearing Yashiro's cries he looks down at the ground and waved awkwardly at her.

"Oh- I didn't expect you to be here... Especially not this late-" He mumbles "It's late, you should go back home"

She shakes her head aggressively "No way! You cant just call me suddenly in the night like that and expect me NOT to be worried..."

Her hands tighten around her nightgown tightly, Amane frowns.

"I didn't mean to make you worry that much, honestly!"

Nene sighs, leaning against the old tree before asking the boy another question. "What're you even doing out here at this time?"

He shrugs and answers simply
"Got locked out"

Wait what?

Nene blinks in confusion. "How come Tsukasa isn't with you then?"

"Tsukasa's the one who did it."


"How did that even happen?" She asks curiously.

He doesn't answer so Nene assumes that maybe it wasn't the right time to ask.

So doesn't that mean he's been here since the party ended? Nene lets him know that she wouldn't mind letting Amane spend the night at her place, seeing as her parents weren't at home and all.

He hesitates but realises that there aren't any other options other than staying out in the cold for even longer so he accepts her offer.

He climbs down from the tree and places a small object into his pocket.
"Yoy don't have to do this y'know" He murmurs scratching his arm.

She waves her hands, smiling.
"No, really I don't mind!" She takes his hand in hers before speaking again.
"Y'know if you're going through something you don't have to do it alone. We're all here for you!"

Amane's mouth opens to say something but he can't do anything but gape at Nene with big amber eyes and a flustered expression.
"Y-Yashiro you're so cheesy!" He yelps backing away while the girl puffs her cheeks angrily.

"I'm being serious!!" She yells "You haven't been showing up to school properly, you're covered in- I mean you're being secretive with us and everything!"

He looks at her with sorrowful eyes, letting out a playful laugh.
"Do you really wanna get to know me? Once you do there really is no going back~"
He leans closer to the girl, their faces centimetres away from each other.

Nene blushing, nods her head.
"Yes, I do! I want to get to know the real Amane Yugi."

A smirk.

"Ok then, come with me!"

He takes her hand, ignoring her demands to know where they're even going seeing as she IS still in her pyjamas.
Eventually, they reach a nearby bridge by the river and Amane lets go of her hand.

"Do you know why I brought you here?" He asks as he sits himself down onto the ledge of the bridge.


She takes a seat beside him still wondering why they came here.

"It's because it has the best view at night. The calming closure of the waves, the pretty glisten of the moonlight...Oh speaking about the moon!"

He digs into his pocket and takes out something. "What do you think this is?" He questions holding the object in front of the other teen.

Nene tilts her head hoping this wasn't some stupid trick question and tells him it's a rock.

Amane continues "Would you believe me if I told you it wasn't just any old rock?"

"I dunno," she says "It depends-"

"Figures" he smiles.

"I'd like to think it's a moon rock. My grandfather said he found it the day the first person stepped foot on the moon! A little while he gave it to me, said it was good luck or something..."

Nene smiles, happy to finally see Amane taking more.

He holds the rock up to the moon, and after moving it in a certain angle a nice reflection shines onto it.

"Every time I'd look at this rock it would make me feel like I could go anywhere. And as stupid as it sounds even the moon" He laughs
"Almost as nothing was holding me back!"


He stands upon the ledge, leaning on his tippytoes.

"So now I want you to have it Yashiro" He throws the rock into her hands and she stares at him shocked.

"But you just said that this was really precious to you! W-why would you just give it to me like that..?" She asks.

Smiling, he takes another step closer to the edge before turning around to face Yashiro.

"It's because I've made up my mind now... I'm not going anywhere."

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