Chp 1 New Candy

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"New Candy..."

You know how we buy candy? You also know how candy only lasts for so long? Take me for an example, I love candy, I buy candy so much I always have leftovers for weeks. Untouched candy... Like Halloween candy. But that candy only lasts for so long. Eventually you're going to eat it. And it will be gone. Just use this reference to people. People are like candy. Relationships are like buying candy. Find the candy you like, or person, and buy that candy, or get in a relationship or talking stage, or whatever.

Once you have that candy it's just a waiting game, like relationships. You either eat it the next day or that same day, break up with that person, or like Halloween candy it's a while until it's finally gone, also like relationships. And that's the case here. You see here it's always Halloween candy.

"It was nice while it lasted, baby." I watched as the girl broke into tears staring at the boy she thought she loved, and thought who loved her back. It was quiet in the hallway until she began sprinting and everyone burst into laughter.

I sighed, rolling my eyes with disgust as the boy known as Dylan, turned around with a content smile on his face, laughing with his clique. A clique full of rebels or what everyone knows as the bad boys. Yep. Every high school has them. And they are all Terrible creatures! Worst of all, my brother, Valentino, is one of them.

There are 6 of them. All devilishly sexy, popular and all have something in common, their desire for virgins. I call them the Devils. Devils who sacrifice Virgins for their pleasures. It's all a game to them, to deceive. And there is a King in this game, and his name is Nicholas.

You see we have Cameron, gorgeous chestnut hair, beautiful brown eyes that are so beautiful in the sun. June, dazzling green eyes and dark blonde hair. Dylan has dark black hair and beaming honey brown eyes. Landon, also blonde hair and gentle, shining blue eyes that any girl would fall for. My brother, Valentino, I would say ugly all together simply because he is my brother.

And last of all Nicholas...

Beautiful golden hair that seems to never be dry, crazy, hypnotizing hazel eyes that I would fall for any time, any day, any place. Skin that glows. The smile, the grin, smirk that is always so attractive and sexy, but so annoying.

But they all are the same in many ways.

They are all disobedient, insubordinate assholes. But they are all also very conniving, sexy Devils.

Except my brother of course.

"Valeria! You're staring you know..." My best friend, Lola, yelled, whispered at me. I nearly forgot I was staring, I was so deep in my thoughts. I shook them away, turning my gaze to her behind the wall we were currently hiding behind.

"Sorry... Did you say something?" We began walking to our lockers, as I avoided the boys at all cost. Including my brother.

"Uh well yeah... You said New Candy. What does that mean?" She gave me a confused look as I sighed, internally slapping my forehead. I must have said that out loud.

" Nothing. Don't worry about it... So how ab-" I slammed my locker noticing she had gazed off somewhere else. I turned my head, noticing who she was staring at... Cameron. I grabbed her face, turning it back to my attention.

" Lola! Snap out of it" I huffed as her eyes finally found mine like she was shocked or pulled out of something. And I know just what...A trance. I rolled my eyes, releasing her face.

"What did I tell you? Don't look at them. They are like bad news! Seriously. You don't need to be looking at them. One look and those Devils will reel you into their little virgin sacrifice shit" You're probably wondering virgin sacrifice what? Well they are Devils. Devils who go after virgins! Every girl 16 and up are all targets! This clique isn't a regular bad boy clique. No, they see virgins as toys. They make a game out of it.

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