Chapter 5 Fear & Confidence

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The Devils all walked down the hallway, with their girl of the week, maybe of more than week. It usually doesn't last that long. They were all laughing at their lockers together with their girls on their shoulders.

It doesn't matter how many eyes are on them, they didn't care, it was normal for them. Every girl had their eyes on them. All of them showed envy and jealousy in their eyes. But it didn't last long because we all knew it was a matter of time until they were single again and got a new piece of arm candy.

It was sad to me. The boys ruled damn near everything in the school. The girls, the boys. The boys were either players like them, or if they were losers, they would get picked on. The teachers couldn't do anything. Their grades were on point, they just didn't care for rules. People like me? I'm abyss or purgatory. Stuck between two worlds. Theirs and mine. If Valentino wasn't my brother, I'm sure I would be like the lame girls or whatever. I could never be the scared girl who gets picked on by the mean ones though, that just isn't me. I heard giggling that was all too familiar as I looked over, seeing Lola.

It's just been a few days since Lola and Cameron began dating which means she hasn't talked to me since. It's really bothersome that she dropped all contact with me, and invested all her time in him. I don't know if it was because of what I said to her, or if she was so wrapped around his finger, or dick, that I was completely nonexistent to her. Either way she was avoiding me, and I didn't like it. I huffed, walking over to my locker. My locker was closest to Nicholas and Landon's. Without realizing it, my eyes traveled over to their lockers. Both with their girls on their arms.

Nicholas flashes his killer, gorgeous smile at her as she smiles back happily. I bet she feels like she's special because he chose her. Little do she know, she's just a trial waiting for the payment to be up. And their payment is their Innocence. I watched her pull him in for a kiss, but he caught my eye instead. I rolled mine in distaste, closing my locker shut. Just disgusting creatures.


"Can someone tell me what is the median lethal dose in toxicology?" I rolled my eyes, tapping on my book. There were few hands up to. But then she caught my eye. I knew it was coming.

"Valeria?" I huffed, I knew my hand wasn't raised.

"LD50, LC50 & LCt50" I gave a fake smile and she nodded, grinning in satisfaction.

"That is correct. Can someone tell me what that is? Um... Nicholas why don't you answer?" I looked back at him , looking confused as hell. He found my eyes and started flipping through his book. So embarrassing.

"It's the dose required or expected to kill half the members of a tested population after a specialized test." I answered and eyes were back on me.

"Well I didn't know we had two Nicholas's in the classroom." A few started laughing and I slumped back in my chair, annoyed. I can't stand when teacher's do that. She kept going on and on about the subject, I already knew. It was quite obvious she was either going to give us a test, quiz or project. I didn't want either one.

" Class project everyone! This is a major grade for my class. It's an experimental project which means your work will not all be the same. It shouldn't either. No right or wrong answer, I just need to understand what you have done and why. Meaning a report or an essay or whatever how you want to explain. Project is to find a new method for measuring toxicity of chemicals that can replace the LD50 test. We are pairing into two."

Everyone began getting up when she slammed her hand on the desk. " No. I'm choosing." I internally laughed as everyone groaned. They seriously didn't think they were going to get their way did they? I began putting my things in my bag as she began calling names. Then I listened when I heard mine.

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