bonus clip!

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It's my first fun day here at the sports store. I decided to partner with Soobin. I look for him through all of the employees standing out in the field behind the store. After minutes of searching I spot him at the snow cone truck. Should've known.
I go up to him. "Hey!!"
He looks up from his snow cone and smiles. "Oh hey Y/n!! How are you?"
"Good! How are you? I hope our run yesterday didn't drain you too much." I say, thinking back to our very  eventful day yesterday. Soobin broke down after running for only five minutes. But it's okay because if he didn't then I wouldn't have found out that Hyun-wu was cheating in me and I wouldn't have been able to meet the members that night.
"No, I'm not drained. I'm actually kinda pumped. I think we'll win." He takes a bit if his red snow cone.
"Maybe." I laugh.
Over a speaker I hear our manager's voice. "Attention all employees! Welcome to the annual Fun Day!" There's a round of applause. "As you may know, we the prize this year is a free meal at the new restaurant down the street! Now, the moment that you've all been waiting for...let the games begin!"
"Where are we supposed to go?" I ask Soobin confused.
"Oh, sorry I forgot to tell you. The first event is a scavenger hunt." He pulls a list from his jacket pocket. "Check off. number one and three." He hands me a pen. I check the list.
1. Get a picture of you or your team mate  eating a snow cone.
2. Find somebody wearing a hat.
3. Find something that starts with the letter s
4. Find a stop sign
5. A cloud that looks like something
"Oh these are easy! Here, let me take a picture of you eating the snow cone. He takes a bite of the snow cone and I snap a picture. "Got it. Now you can just take a selfie." I hold his snow cone while he takes a selfie holding up a peace sign.
"Got it!" He says. "Now let's find someone wearing a hat."
We dash through the crowd, along with everyone else trying to finish first. "Wait!" I say. "I'm wearing a hat!"
"Oh yeah! Let me take a picture." Soobin says. "Good!"
I laugh. "I just remembered. Find a stop sign is next since we already got a picture of you for number three. Let's go."
"Oh! there's one at the front of the store when you exit the parking lot."
"Okay! I'll run and take a picture of it. You stay here and find a cloud that looks like something!" I run my way through the crowd carrying my phone I got the other day. I finally got enough money from working here to get a new one after mine broke due to the bike crash I got into. I finally make it to the front of the store. I pause for a moment to scan the exit of the parking lot for a stop sign. As Soobin said, there was one before you pulled out into the  road. I quickly snap a picture and head back.
When I get back I see Soobin staring at the sky, sheilding his eyes from the sun.
"Did you find one?" I ask, also looking up.
"Yes! I found one that looks like the English letter J." He points to a cloud. I take a picture of it. "Were done!" Let's find the manager.
We find him with a stopwatch standing near the snow cone truck talking to the person ruining it. "Manager! Were done!" I say.
He looks up and smiles. "Let's see your time." He checks the stopwatch. "4 minutes and 2 seconds. Well done! You guys are the first one's done! You came in first place for this event!"
"Yes!!" Soobin and I jump up and down.
The manager whips out his megaphone. "Attention! There has been a winner for the scavenger hunt event! If you will please  make your way towards the volleyball net we will be beginning that event next!"

The day is growing hotter as time goes on. Soobin and I have won all of the events and we're exhausted. We pose for the photo that our manager is taking. Soobin and I are standing together holding our trophy that we won. The manager then takes the trophy back. "I'll keep this in the staff room."
Soobin and I look at each other and shake our heads.

When fun day finally ends we walk to the bus station and get on the bus.
"See Soobin? It wasn't all that bad."  I say as we sit down.
"It was sooo hot." He says. "I don't know if I'll ever recover.
"Oh, Soobin." I say laughing at his dramatic ness.
We sit and look out the window until it's time for me to get off.
"Goodbye Soobin! See you at work tomorrow." I say.
"Bye Y/n! See you!" He says.

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