The First is Always the Best

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-----Last Time-----

"CHELSEA!" Tatsumi was screaming for her; he needed to find her and tell her the truth. Why did I agree to this plan?! I mean, sure, it did help me find out I loved Chelsea, but... I should've found out on my own instead of with this! "CHELSEA!"

"STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!" Chelsea was crying in a side alleyway into her knees, bundled up into a tight little ball.

Tatsumi was shocked. He didn't think that he had impacted her so much in such a small amount of time. "Ch-Chelsea..."

"NO! STAY AWAY ME YOU MONSTER!" She was crying even louder now, not from the plan but from calling Tatsumi, whom she loved, a monster.

"L-Look, Chelsea... To be honest, it was part of Mine's plan to ask you out. But I was supposed to just have fun with you, not actually... You know... Fall in love..." Tatsumi blushed a little bit, and looked off to the side. "We all make mistakes, right? I made the mistake of underestimating you. I thought you'd be, you know, cool, but... Not the way you are: Perfect. In every way possible. I may be a monster, you're right, but isn't everyone?"

Chelsea was flushed when he said this. All of her cards to use against him... Gone. She had forgotten what she was gonna say. What was the point of trying to argue, anyway? What would it do to their relationship? "But why," she asked, still sobbing and hiccing, "would you fall for someone like me?"

"That's exactly the reason I fell for you in the first place. Your attractiveness is what had me caught at first, but then... It was you. And everything about you. I don't believe I'm ever gonna find someone like you again. If I lose you..." He looks down in despair. "I... I wouldn't know whether to keep on going..."

"Tatsumi..." Chelsea looks up at him for once, her face shiny from the tears.


"Chelsea... I don't know what you find in me that's so amazing... But I know that I've fallen in love with you. Maybe you don't feel the same, but I love you. I don't wanna lose you. You are amazing. Beautiful. Funny. Smart. What else is there to ask for? I'm just an average guy, though." Tatsumi reached a hand down to help her up.

Chelsea, grabbing his hand and wiping the tears from her eyes, had a smile on her face. Why? was the only question she wondered. Chelsea pulled herself up so that their lips were only inches apart. She would've backed up a little but... She saw Tatsumi... Looking at her lips. Just for an instant. But it felt like an eternity. Tatsumi looked into her eyes, and they both knew.

They inched closer, Chelsea wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on her tippy toes just to make up for the height difference, and Tatsumi wrapping his hands around her waist. They inched closer... Closer... Closer... Until their lips were a hair's width apart. They both closed their eyes... And their lips touched. They kissed so softly... It was like heaven on earth. It felt like the world was crumbling beneath them. After what felt like forever, they came apart, and they both opened their eyes.

"Ch-Chelsea..." Tatsumi unwrapped his arms from around her waist as well as Chelsea unwrapping hers and continued. "That was my first..."

"M-Mine too..." Chelsea blushed and looked down. "It was nice..."

"We should do that again sometime," Tatsumi said, partly joking and partly not.

"You wish." Both Chelsea and Tatsumi laughed. "Let's go home."


Hey again. Sorry for not updating in so long, I've been worrying about my relationship. So I've got a new schedule on updating my fanfics. Read below for more.

Sunday - Church so a little bit of writing, unless I have homework to do.

Monday - Homework then hockey practice, so I don't have any time to write.

Tuesday - Homework, then write unless I have a date with my gf.

Wednesday - Homework... Then church again so no writing.

Thursday - Homework, Write, Publish at 8:30.

Friday - Write. Unless I have a date. ╮(╯~╰)╭

Saturday - Hockey game. Then Write. Saturdays and Fridays are when I'll get lost of my writing done.

So anyway, that's my plan for writing. Sorry this chapter was short, I wanted to get the schedule out soon so yeah cx and if I don't get it out on Thursdays it means that I had my phone taken away ;-; it happens a lot... That's all. Thanks for reading.

Till Thursday fegs c:

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