Her First Day (and Crush)

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It was a fine summer's day, with the sun blazing outside neither too hot nor too cold. This was the day after Najenda had discovered Chelsea and Susanoo, and he was a big success. Chelsea was hoping she could get in on the action, too, and maybe finally do something with her life instead of being an assassin for the wrong side.

About 10:36 A.M. was when Chelsea woke up. She got dressed in my normal attire (a white long sleeve shirt under a black vest with a red ribbon, a red checkered mini skirt, a skirt, and black leather below-the-knee boots) and went to the table for some good food. She was introduced to everyone there, and immediately noticed something: the girls outnumbered the boys 5:3. "That sounds kinda odd to me, maybe this means that I'd have to fight for one of em, maybe Tatsu-," she thought, but she caught herself and changed her mind. "I'd have to fight for a guy I like here."

Chelsea really liked her team already and hoped it wouldn't turn out like it did for her past team, when she killed the leader and disbanded the group. Of everyone there, she could tell, Tatsumi was different. He acted differently, talked differently... "And there's a sparkle in his eyes-," She thought to herself, but caught herself again, and stopped in her tracks. "P-pah, What's so special about him anyway?" She mumbled to herself outside her room. She's obviously not had feelings like this before.

"Hey Chelsea!" Tatsumi had snuck up on her too fast, so Chelsea responded by whacking him hard in the head with her bag. And I mean Hard.

Stunned, Chelsea immediately blushed bright red, and replied loudly, "Next time don't sneak up on me, idiot."

"God, you don't have to be so mean about it... But, don't worry you're fine." Tatsumi stated. There was a huge, almost unrealistic bulge on his head, and he was getting wobbly.

"What do you want, anyway?"

"Well I wanted to congratulate you on making it into Night Raid. Oh, and uh... You left your headphones at the table, by the way." Tatsumi held out the headphones and immediately she took em.

"Thanks, I guess. So you were looking at me, huh? Is that it?" She flashed a small smile, but quickly went straight faced again.

"What else would I do for a pretty-" He stopped mid sentence and caught himself. "I mean- What else would I do for a new teammate?"

Chelsea caught on, however. "What was that? Hitting on me already?" She had a slight blush on her cheeks but Tatsumi couldn't tell.

"Uhhh.... Gotta run, bye!" He ran off towards his room and slammed the door behind him.

"Ah... What an idiot, huh?" She smiled and walked into her room, but what she found was not at all what she expected. The room smelled amazing, as if someone had put scented candles or something on the ground. In fact, it was just that: There were multiple candles on the ground, each different colors like red and blue, and one was green. But in between them was something she didn't expect. It was a present or something. "Probably from Tatsumi or something. He was acting pretty weird," Chelsea thought to herself. She walked towards it slowly and saw that it was from Tatsumi. But what was in it was something incredible, and unexpected.

"H-How did he know?!" Chelsea silently questioned. "IT'S A-"

I'm kinda liking this. If this gets 5 reads, I'll post more. Until next time: Ciao!

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