True Love?

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Because the last chapter was so short, I'd have to copy paste pretty much the entire chapter, so I'm gonna skip that. Thanks for the understanding.


The couple began their long walk home from the restaurant, laughing at old stories they both told. They tried not to tell any serious stories. But they knew eventually they'd run out of funny stories.

After the long journey, they walked in. Mine and the rest of Night Raid were at the dinner table eating the food Susanoo had fixed for them. They turned around and suddenly their eyes widened.

They were holding hands.

None of them knew about what happened between Mine and Tatsumi, and not even Chelsea knew exactly what happened after she ran. Mine stood up from her chair and ran out of the room, trying to hide her guilt from the rest of Night Raid. Tatsumi looked over at the rest of Night Raid and smiled, but his mood quickly changed when he saw Mine running.

He walked her to her room and then said goodnight, going to his room and lying down on his bed. He smiled at the ceiling, thinking of how "perfect" their date was. He had fun going on a date with Chelsea. He loved her, that's for certain. But was it both ways?

Chelsea sat on her bed with a smile on her face. "Why is it him?" She whispered to herself. "Why is it now?" Her smile slowly turned into a smolder. "If it had been after the wat I wouldn't have to worry about him so much... I know he's strong and all, but there's only so much one man can do." She turned over on the bed. "I just... Hope we can both survive through this great war."

The next morning, they both go get breakfast, amazing as always, from Susanoo. No one knew how he was such a great cook, but they certainly didn't mind. They ate breakfast together, smiling at stories from all of Night Raid and not just the two of them. Eventually there was an awkward silence. Then the question came up.

"So how'd last night go?" Lubbock asked as a conversation starter.

Mine stood up and left again. What do you expect?

"It was..." Chelsea thought about the night and how she fell for him, literally and emotionally. "Crazy, I guess."

"Crazy? What do you mean crazy? Did some of the Jaegers come and attack you?" Everyone laughed except Tatsumi and Chelsea; they simply smiled.

"Well, something happened and... I'd rather not talk about it." She looked at the empty seat and quickly looked away.

"And do you know what's going on with Mine? She's never like this."

"I think I do, but I'm not really sure."

"Hmm... Okay. Whatever you say."

After breakfast, they went out to train. Naturally, Tatsumi had a lot to train for, but Chelsea didn't have much, as she has to learn on the spot how people act and talk. Besides stealth, what can Chelsea train for anyway?

"God, Chelsea, get off me!" Tatsumi was doing pushups with her on his back, and his arms were hurting from her added weight.

"Not until you get to 500!" Chelsea teased.

"I'm at 100! Give me a break!" At this point in his training he could do more than just 100, but it was much harder with Chelsea.

She laughed and, after 50 more, got off. His arms immediately buckled and he fell into the ground.
"What happened to being so strong huh?" Both Tatsumi and Chelsea laughed at this.

"Well, you happened." Tatsumi smiled and flipped over, his hands behind his head, looking at the sky.

"C'mon. Let me in on this." Chelsea laid down next to him and looked at the sky with him. "Oh look!" She pointed towards one of the clouds. "That one looks like a shark!"

Tatsumi, looking at Chelsea's smile instead of the sky and totally not paying attention, simply nodded, "Yeah, it does."

Chelsea got the feeling that he wasn't really looking, and pointed to a random cloud and lied with, "And that one looks like a bunny!" when it really didn't.

"Sure it does." He didn't check but was instead looking at her gleaming strawberry eyes. And man, they were amazing.... Ah, he could stare at them all da-

"You're not even looking are you?" Chelsea turned her head to look at him. But when she saw he was looking at her instead, she blushed, "O-okay, you're off the hook this time. But next time you look at me like that, I'll-"

"Chelsea, you have the most beautiful eyes of any girl I've ever met." Tatsumi smiled.

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever." Chelsea was blushing the same shade as her eyes.

Akame walked over to them and told them the news: "In two weeks we're gonna send you, Chelsea, after Kurome. And Tatsumi, you'll be coming with us to lead them to her. It'll be the first time fighting the Jaegers head on, so prepare yourself. The plan isn't set in stone yet, though."

"Isn't it a little dangerous to send Chelsea after the strongest, besides Esdeath, in the Jaegers?" Tatsumi asked.

"She'll be fine. She has stealth on her side, plus she's strong anyway. I wouldn't worry about her." Akame turned around, walking back towards the base.

"You sure you're up for this, Chelsea?" Tatsumi had a worried look on his face.

"Don't worry," Chelsea smiled. "I'll be fine."

"Just come back alive." He smiled and turned his head to look at the sky again. He knew the risks of letting her go. They weren't gonna get the best of him. "I'll be happy if you do that."

"Shut up... You know you can trust me. I'll come back. I promise." Chelsea, too, was scared... But of anyone in Night Raid, she knew she had the best chance. She had to fight her fears.

There was silence between them, then Tatsumi spoke. "Hey, Chelsea?"


"Will we always be like this?" Tatsumi looked down at his wiggling feet. He was looking toward the future with doubt.

"Yeah. Forever and ever."


Sup guys.

So, I was wondering. I've been doing this for a long time and I'm thinking of ending this Fanfiction and starting a new one: TouKen. It's now one of my OTP's, so yeh. Lemme know in the comments.

Bye fegs <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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