22: right hand man

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The first thing I did when I stepped out of Baker Street was go the opposite way of John, and then I took a breath finally from being free. Who knew I would miss the London air so much?

I take the long way to St. Barts. Crossing through alley ways and nodding to Sherlock's homeless network. Let them see: I am already gone and there is nothing he can do about it.

I watch John under the cap that I picked up off a tourist cart 'I love London' it reads. He stomps his little army legs right into a cab back to Baker Street while I walk into the hospital to Molly's lab.

Being here gives me pleasant flash backs of my time helping Sherlock on cases. Molly and I were not close before, but I would like to think we are now. I sneak up behind her.

"Find anything," my voice rings in the quiet morgue.

She shrilly squeaks and stumbles around. I hold back a chuckle.

"Not funny," she pouts. "I thought you were  on house arrest?"

"John escorted me out. It's all good," I nod and look around the table. Seeing unrelated cases until I get to the Moriarty case.

DNA matching me all over the place, but none for Moriarty. Is this his goal? Pretend to be the lover who takes the fall for me? My finger prints on the fire hydrant and on the gum.


"How come there is only one piece of gum here?"

"Huh" she looks up from the microscope.

"One gum Molly, please do keep up," I huff out.

She frowns at this. "There was only one piece found at the crime scene. And according to the DNA it's yours."

My mind freezes. How can that be possible? I mean we practically smashed our gum together and then cut a diamond through it.

I hate to say it, but he amazes me the more I learn about him. And I hate him more for it.

I stalk out of Barts, livid as can be, but calm on the outside. Then I see the black car. And I strife right to it. Before I even make it to the door, the window cracks open for me to see the top of a brunette head.

"Get in"

And I do. "Sebastian," I greet, while hopping into the passenger seat. I don't think he was expecting me to sit up here. He seems uncomfortable. Good.

"Boss wants me to give you this," he hands me over an envelope. I slip it into my pocket to read later. But I'm not quite done with his right hand man yet.

"So Sebastian, why did he get himself arrested? I would imagine he would like to be cooped up in such a place."

He smirks a little before putting on his sunglasses. "If I answered that question for you, then you dumber than Moriarty puts you out to be." He signs in disappointment. "He also seems to thrive in any environment he's in. Especially surrounded by criminals."

The smile is heard in his voice. I don't even have to look to confirm that. But I wouldn't doubt for a second that Moriarty is thriving in jail. He's probably recruiting people for his web as we speak. My heart skips a beat, I contain my own smirk.

"Boss also said something about keeping you protected, so I took the liberty in getting you this." He pulls out a pink gun. A Beretta. How fitting. I hesitate to take it.

"Why would I need that?" I ask him.

He shakes his head.

"No more questions," he forces it into my hands. "Get out"

I roll my eyes before telling him to shove it. He takes off down the road. Once I'm in an ally way, in the absence of cameras, do I open the envelope.

And inside is the dried piece of gum that I assume belongs to the consulting criminal. And a small note on his classic card stock.

He knows I would turn him in, even if I did get evidence on him. Damn that man.

The note, however, is written in his handwriting and is an address.

On the card are two unidentifiable stains. Well, to the untrained eye they are.

One, the light sprits of a French perfume, and another a dried white substance.

I take a sniff. The perfume at first over powering, but then I take in the medicated undertones. Eczema cream.

I stuff the clues back inside before I hail a cab for the address on the note.

And I should have known. Returning to the place that we slept together the first time. Where he made me breakfast. The old run down building with an apartment inside.

I get up to the place and unlock the door with the key.

And another note on the table next to some flowers, 'stay as long as you like'

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